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Keskintaş, Orhan. Adalet, Ahlâk ve Nizam Osmanlı Siyasetnameleri İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017, 344 s. ISBN: 9789750522789
(Chulalongkorn University, 2023)This article analyzes Orhan Keskintaş's work entitled Justice, Morality and Order Ottoman Siyasetname, which is based on his doctoral dissertation on Ottoman Siyasetname. Information is given about the content of the ... -
Thoughts on peasantry education in second constitutional monarchy era
(Hacettepe University, 2020)An increase in the number of studies on social history in Turkey has enriched the variety of subheadings. Turkish villages and peasantry are one of the essential elements debatable in this process. The village and peasantry ... -
Division of Syria under the French mandate government and the Alawite state
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2020)France, which captured Syria to protect its interests in the Mediterranean and Middle East at the end of the World War I, endeavoured to implement the “divide and rule” policy as the easiest way of reigning over these ... -
An Investigation on the Application of Liberty Binding and Restricting Penalty in the Abdulmecid Period
(Selçuk Üniv., 2020)It is known that radical and serious steps were taken in the field of law with the Tanzimat period. The introduction of new legal regulations within the legal community and the beginning of their use are some of these ... -
Floating Bridge Activities in the Ottoman-Russian War of 1768-1774
(İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi & İSAM, 2022)On the eve of the Ottoman-Russian War of 1768-1774 there was a belief that the Ottomans were losing their bridge-building skills as they had not fought in the Danube region for nearly 30 years. This study principally aims ... -
The pathways of Akhism to the Balkans [Ahiligin Balkanlara geçiş yollari]
(Gazi Universitesi, Turk Kulturu ve Haci Bektas Veli, 2017)In this article, some features in Akhism have been researched supports of the akhs during the establishment of the Ottoman State and passage to the Balkans. Besides, settlement of the Akhism and spreading have been examined ... -
General Levy People During 1683 - 1699 Wars
(SELCUK UNIV, INST TURKISH STUDIES, 2016)This study has two aims. The first one is to reveal the social layers that were sent on military expedition within the framework of General Levy practice, which was declared by Ottoman Empire at the end of 17th century. ... -
Debating Sufi Knowledge in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Though: An Analysis of the Sacaklizade-Alami Debate on Divine Inspiration ('ilm al-ladunn)
(SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ASSOC-ILMI ETUDLER DERNEGI-ILEM, 2018)At the beginning of the eighteenth century, two Ottoman scholars named Sacaklizade and 'Alami Ahmad Efendi wrote treatises and engaged in a scientific debate about divine inspiration (al-'ilm al-ladunni). Sacaklizade's ... -
Early Examples of General Levy in the Ottoman Empire and Its Reflection on the Ottoman Social Dynamism
(TURK TARIH KURUMU, 2016)The states applied various methods in order to recruit the soldiers who would be sent to the battlefield. These applications were affected from the social and economic sources as well as from the technological and militaristic ... -
Savaş hazırlayan barış konferansı: Londra konferansı
(2009)Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması sonrasında İtilaf Devletleri’nin Osmanlı ülkesini işgal girişimleri Anadolu’da yeni bir mücadele devrini başlattı. Bu mücadele, işgalci devletlere ve onlara karşı tepkisiz kalan Osmanlı yönetimineydi. ... -
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi, Üçüncü Dönem Kırşehir Mebusları (3)
(2007)Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi, Üçüncü Dönem Kırşehir Mebusları (3) T.B.M.M. Üçüncü Dönem (1927-1931), Büyük Türk İnkılâbının tamamlanması ve devletin kurumlaşması çalışmalarının özenle ve yaygın bir şekilde sürdürüldüğü, ... -
1893 (H.1309) yılında Yozgat'ta Hınçak Komitesinin tertip etmiş olduğu kilise hadisesi
(2008)Hınçak Komitesi’nin reis ve yardımcılarının, teşkilat ve faaliyetleri neticesinde meydana gelen Kilise Hadisesi, çok ciddi bir hazırlık süreci neticesinde gerçekleşmiş olup, Osmanlı Devleti ve Türk halkını galeyana getirterek ...