Thoughts on peasantry education in second constitutional monarchy era
An increase in the number of studies on social history in Turkey has enriched the variety of subheadings. Turkish villages and peasantry are one of the essential elements debatable in this process. The village and peasantry studies, which have been supported also statistically through the recent studies, are observed to have been enriched. In plain words, scrutinizing the history of village and peasantry by supporting with different disciplines will continue to fill the important gaps of social history. Within this framework, the transformation of the modernised Turkish society should be analysed in order to understand the policies that were developed or could not be developed by the Republic about the village and peasantry. This study, which aims to explain the intellectual accumulation developed upon village and peasantry on the basis of journals and minute books, is a qualitative research. In this study, the data of the research were obtained by searching minute books and journals of that period through the document analysis method. Nationalism and village education, urban teacher in village, imam problem and village teacher, inspector and peasant, informing the peasant and training the peasant in the village were the issues debated between 1908 and 1918. At this level, evaluation of these subjects that took place in the intellectual atmosphere of the period will make the idea of the village on the path to the Republic noticeable. © 2020, Hacettepe University. All rights reserved.