Browsing Dahili Tıp Bilimleri by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 412
Information and behaviors of patients applying to chest diseases outpatient clinic regarding rational use of drugs
(10.52142/OMUJECM.38.4.39, 38)Rational Drug Use (RUD), which aims to use drugs, when necessary, in the appropriate amount and in an appropriate way, is required from the physician with the rational choice of drugs and prescribing; health policies cover ... -
Effects of Pilates exercises and connective tissue manipulation on pain and depression in females with fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial [Fibromiyaljili kadinlarda Pilates egzersizleri ve konnektif doku manipulasyonunun agri ve depresyon üzerine etkileri: Rastgele kontrollü çalişma]
(2008)Purpose: This study was carried out to show the effects of Pilates exercises (PE) and Connective Tissue Manipulation (CTM) on pain and depression in females with fibromyalgia (FM). Material and methods: Fifty-one women ... -
A new tool measuring health-related quality of life (HRQOL): The effects of musculoskeletal pain in a group of older Turkish people
(ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD, 2009)The aims of this study were (1) to show the effects of musculoskeletal pain on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and (2) to look at gender differences in this field in elderly people living in Turkey. Subjects were ... -
Comparıson Of Manual Lymph Draınage Therapy And Connectıve Tıssue Massage In Women Wıth Fıbromyalgıa: A Randomızed Controlled Trıal
(MOSBY-ELSEVIER, 2009)Objective: This study analyzed and compared the effects of manual lymph drainage therapy (MLDT) and connective tissue massage (CTM) in women with primary fibromyalgia (PFM). Methods: The study design was a randomized ... -
Functional Mobility, Depressive Symptoms, Level of Independence, and Quality of Life of the Elderly Living at Home and in the Nursing Home
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2009)Objectives: To compare functional mobility, depressive symptoms, level of independence, and quality of life of the elderly living at home and in the nursing home. Design: A prospectively designed, comparative study Setting: ... -
Comparison of emotional status and physical activity between women with chronic widespread pain and fibromyalgia
(2010)Objectives! This study was conducted to compare the emotional status and physical activity level in women with chronic widespread pain (CWP) and fibromyalgia (FM). Methods: Thirty-three women with CWP above the waist, ... -
Evaluation of renal function in non-hypertensive patients with obstructive sleep apnea [Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu olan normotansif hastalarda böbrek fonksiyonlari{dotless}ni{dotless}n degerlendirilmesi]
(2012)Objective: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is one of the most common sleep disorders in society. The presence of hypertension is shown in 30-60% of OSAS patients. Creatinine clearance (CC) in hypertensive OSAS ... -
Effects of Calisthenics and Pilates Exercises on Coordination and Proprioception in Adult Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial
(HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC, 2012)Objective: To assess and compare the effects of 6 mo of Pilates and calisthenics on multijoint coordination and proprioception of the lower limbs at the 3rd and 6th mo of training. Design: Randomized, controlled, ... -
Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory-20
(SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2012)The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory-20 (PFDI-20). One hundred and twenty-eight women with pelvic floor disorders, including ... -
Effects of different segmental spinal stabilization exercise protocols on postural stability in asymptomatic subjects: Randomized controlled trial
(IOS PRESS, 2012)Background and objectives: The aim was to assess and compare the postural stability effects of the "Progressive Dynamic Spine Stabilization Exercise Protocols" (PDSSEP) which were designed for different spinal segments. ... -
Persistent left superior vena cava draining to the left atrium: A case report and review of the literature
(Medical Science International, 2012)Background: Persistent left superior vena cava is a rare but important congenital vascular anomaly. However, PLSVC with absent RSVC (isolated PLSVC) is a very rare venous malformation We report on a rare case of persistent ... -
Imaging findings of gallbladder duplication due to two cases: case report and review of literature
(SOC ROMANA ULTRASONOGRAFE MEDICINA BIOLOGIE-SRUMB, 2012)Duplication of the gallbladder, a rare congenital anomaly, is important in clinical practice as it may cause some clinical, surgical, and diagnostic problems. This anomaly is also important for surgeons due to the increased ... -
Determined of psychological autopsy of completed suicides in Istanbul
(CUMHURIYET UNIV TIP FAK PSIKIYATRI ANABILIM DALI, 2012)Objective: Purpose of this study to determine general characteristics of the completed suicide in Istanbul. Methods: Out of 130 cases consecutively referred to Forensic Medicine Institute Morgue Department in April-August, ... -
Lack of Association between the Glu298Asp Polymorphism of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase and Slow Coronary Flow
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Insertion/Deletion (I/D) Polymorphism Associated with Atrial Fibrilation in Turkish Population
To What Extent are We Applying Current Medical Treatment Approaches in Coronary Artery Disease?
Comparison of Five QT Correction Methods in Patients with Hypoxic Brain Injury