Browsing Fakülteler by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 3362
11-Hydroxyundecyl octadecyl disulfide self-assembled monolayers on Au(1 1 1) (vol 311, pg 643, 2014)
11-Hydroxyundecyl octadecyl disulfide self-assembled monolayers on Au(111)
(ELSEVIER, 2014)Here, we report a helium atom diffraction study of 11-hydroxyundecyl octadecyl disulfide (CH3-(CH2)(17)-S-S-(CH2)(11)-OH, HOD) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) produced by supersonic molecular beam deposition (SMBD). Two ... -
1893 (H.1309) yılında Yozgat'ta Hınçak Komitesinin tertip etmiş olduğu kilise hadisesi
(2008)Hınçak Komitesi’nin reis ve yardımcılarının, teşkilat ve faaliyetleri neticesinde meydana gelen Kilise Hadisesi, çok ciddi bir hazırlık süreci neticesinde gerçekleşmiş olup, Osmanlı Devleti ve Türk halkını galeyana getirterek ... -
1992 Kimya I ders kitabındaki konu sıralamasının öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi ve 2007 kimya I ders kitabındaki konu sıralaması ile karşılaştırılması
(2009)Bu çalışmada, ortaöğretim IX . sınıf Kimya I ders kitabının konu sıralaması yönünden değerlendirilmesi için 52 anket soruları hazırlanmış ve bu sorular MEB’e bağlı Türkiye genelinden 21 ilden rastgele seçilmiş 66 devlet ... -
1998 ve 2005 İilköğretim sosyal bilgiler programlarında nedensellik
(2010)Nedensellik, neden ile sonuç arasındaki ilişkiyi ifade eder. Bilimde bu ilişkiye, nedensellik ilkesi ya da nedensellik kanunu denir. İlköğretim sosyal bilgiler dersinde çocuklara kazandırılacak olan bilgilerin nedensellik ... -
1H-indazole molecules reduced the activity of human erythrocytes carbonic anhydrase I and II isoenzymes
(WILEY, 2018)Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is an important metabolic enzyme family closely related to many physiological and pathological processes. Currently, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are the target molecules in the treatment and ... -
3D sound source localization with fiber optic sensor array based on genetic algorithm
(Academic Press Inc., 2020)Sound source localization (SLL), which is an area of multi-point acoustic detection, has always been an important research topic since it has been employed in many applications. It has been notable to use fiber optic sensors ... -
3d-transition metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, V and Zn)-doped pentacene π-conjugated organic molecule for photovoltaic applications: DFT and TD-DFT calculations
(Springer, 2020)In this study, we have performed a thorough examination of density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent (TD) DFT to investigate the structural and optoelectronic properties of 3d-transition metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, V ... -
4. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Sınıf Ortamında Kullandıkları Öğrenme Stratejileri
(2008)Bu araştırmada, ilköğretim 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin Sosyal Bilgiler dersinde sınıf ortamında kullandıkları öğrenme stratejilerinin neler olduğu tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma verileri, araştırmacı tarafından ... -
Ab initio calculation of structural, electronic and phonon properties of ZrRu and ZrZn in B2 phase
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2011)The structural, electronic and dynamic properties of cesium chloride, ZrRu and ZrZn were studied by employing an ab initio pseudopotential method and a linear response scheme, within the generalized gradient approximation. ... -
An ab initio constant-pressure study of pressure-induced phase transition of MgSe
(EDP SCIENCES S A, 2008)We study the pressure-induced phase transition of MgSe using a constant-pressure ab initio technique and. find that the rocksalt-structured MgSe transforms into a FeSi-type structure. Furthermore, we. find that this phase ... -
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Pressure-Induced Phase Transition in MgS
(MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2017)Pressure-induced phase transition in MgS is studied using a constant pressure ab initio molecular dynamics method, and a solid evidence of existence of its high-pressure phase is provided. As predicted by total energy ... -
Ab initio molecular dynamics study of pressure-induced phase transformation in KCl
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010)We carry out an ab initio constant pressure molecular dynamics technique to study the pressure-induced phase transition in KCl. A phase transformation from the rocksalt structure to the CsCl type structure is successfully ... -
Ab initio study of structural, electronic and dynamical properties of MgAuSn
(SPRINGER, 2007)The structural and electronic properties of MgAuSn in the cubic AlLiSi structure have been studied, using density functional theory within the local density approximation. The calculated lattice constant for MgAuSn is found ... -
Ab initio/DFT calculations of tert-butyl ammonium salt of O,O '-dibornyl dithiophosphate
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2014)O,O'-dibornyl dithiophosphate has been synthesized by the reaction of P2S5 and borneol in toluene. Fourier Transform Infrared spectra (FT-IR) of the title compound are measured. The molecular geometry, vibrational frequencies, ... -
Ab Inıtıo Study Of Phonon Dıspersıon And Elastıc Propertıes Of L1(2) Intermetallıcs Ti3al And Y3al
(WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2013)In this paper, the structural, elastic and phonon properties of Ti3Al and Y3Al in L1(2)( Cu3Al) phase are studied by performing first- principles calculations within the generalized gradient approximation. The calculated ... -
Ab-initio study of the structural, electronic, elastic and vibrational properties of the intermetallic Pd3V and Pt3V alloys in the L1(2) phase
(KOREAN INST METALS MATERIALS, 2014)Pseudopotential plane-wave method based on density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation for the exchange-correlation potential has been applied to study the structural, electronic, elastic and ... -
Abdominal girth has a strong correlation with ultrasound-estimated epidural depth in parturients: a prospective observational study
(SPRINGER JAPAN KK, 2019)BackgroundPreprocedural ultrasound examination of vertebral column guides to locate desired intervertebral space and provides a prevision of needle trajectory and estimated needle depth in parturients. The objective of ... -
Absolute Matrix Summability Factors of Fourier Series with Quasi-f-Power Increasing Sequences
(Elsevier B.V., 2018)In this paper, we have generalized a main theorem dealing with quasi-f-power increasing sequence to |A,?n|k summability method by using Fourier series. © 2018 Elsevier B.V. -
(INST MATHEMATICS, AS CR, 2018)Our aim is to change classical test functions of Korovkin theorem on modular spaces by using A-summability.