Browsing Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 105
Ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of SinC5-nH8 (n=0-5) series: Probing the 2D to 3D structural transition
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2018)In this study, we studied the structural and electronic properties in the SinC5-nH8 (n = 0-5) series using ab initio calculations. We performed global minimum and low-lying isomers search for the C5H8 , SiC4H8 , Si2C3H8 , ... -
An Ab-initio Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of CaTe under High Pressure
(MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2019)The crystal structure of the CaTe compound is studied up to 150 GPa under high hydrostatic pressure using the density functional theory (DFT) with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Pressure-volume relationships, ... -
Ab-initio study of structural, electronic, elastic, phonon properties, and phase transition path of sodium selenite
(Elsevier B.V., 2020)The effects of pressure on structural, elastic, electronic, and vibrational properties of NaSe are studied using the SIESTA method. The dimensionless ratio, bulk modulus, elastic constants, Shear and Young modulus, and ... -
Additional knowledge respecting taxonomy of the social wasp genus Ropalidia (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae) from Vietnam, with new records of three species and an updated key to species
(Magnolia Press, 2020)Species composition of social wasps of the genus Ropalidia from Vietnam is reported, with 24 species having been recorded. Of those, three species are newly recorded for the Vietnamese fauna, namely Ropalidia binghami van ... -
Analysis of the geometrical properties and electronic structure of arsenide doped boron clusters: Ab-initio approach
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2018)Density functional theory (DFT) and coupled-cluster (CCSD(T)) theory have been applied to investigate the geometric, growth pattern, bonding, stability, dissociation, adsorption and electronic properties of arsenide doped ... -
Anatomy, Histology, and Ultrastructure of Salivary Glands of the Burrower Bug, Scaptocoris castanea (Hemiptera: Cydnidae)
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)The burrower bug Scaptocoris castanea Perty, 1830 (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) is an agricultural pest feeding on roots of several crops. The histology and ultrastructure of the salivary glands of S. castanea were described. The ... -
Arranging Bus Behaviour by Finding the Best Prediction Model with Artificial Neural Networks
(UNIV OSIJEK, TECH FAC, 2019)Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were used in this study to estimate the hourly passenger populations at certain stations in Istanbul. To do this, the details were collected from various sources regarding the passengers ... -
Assessment of irrigation water quality of Turkey using multivariate statistical techniques and water quality index: Siddikli Dam Lake
(DESALINATION PUBL, 2018)This study was done in order to evaluate the status of the water quality of Siddikli Dam Lake as well as its suitability for irrigated agriculture. Siddikli Dam Lake is one of the major irrigation dam lakes flowing into ... -
Bent Fiber Sensor for Preservative Detection in Milk
(MDPI AG, 2016)A fiber optic sensor sensitive to refractive index changes of the outer region of the fiber cladding is presented. The sensor uses bent plastic optical fibers in different bending lengths to increase sensitivity. Measurements ... -
Biological characteristics of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L., 1758) inhabiting Lake Ladik (Samsun, Turkey) [Biološka Obiljezja Grgeca (Perca fluviatilis L, 1758) Koji nastanjujeje zero Ladik (Samsun, Turska)]
(University of Zagreb - Faculty of Agriculture, 2016)The aim of this study was to determine the growth features of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L., 1758) inhabiting Lake Ladik. A total of 858 individuals were caught. The total length and weight ranged from 8.2 to 27.5 ... -
Bony structure dimensions-fish length relationships of pike (Esox lucius L., 1758) in Lake Ladik (Samsun, Turkey)
(UNIV ORADEA PUBL HOUSE, 2017)The relationships between otolith length (OL), otolith width (OW), otolith weight (OWE), cleithrum length (CL) and fish length (TL) of pike captured from Lake Ladik were evaluated using 11 different mathematical models. ... -
Characterization, optical and nonlinear optical properties of TAZ organic material
(ELSEVIER GMBH, 2019)Since organic materials have applications in many fields, characterization and optical parameters of 3-(Bipheny1-4-y1)-5-(4-tert-butylpheny1)-4-phenyl-4H-1,2,4-triazole (TAZ) molecule have been investigated in different ... -
Classification and resolution procedure for disputes in public construction projects
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Escuela de Construccion Civil, 2022)Construction sector, which is associated with approximately two hundred sub-sectors in terms of employment area, plays the role of locomotive sector in economic development of countries. This feature of the sector affects ... -
Comparison of theoretical and experimental electronic and optoelectronic properties of HPS compound
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019)We investigated electronic and optoelectronic properties of 1,1,2,3,4,5-Hexaphenyl-1H-silole (HPS) compound for different concentrations and for theoretical (B3LYP and CAM) and experimental methods. Optical parameters such ... -
The complete mitochondrial genome of Attacus atlas formosanus Villiard, 1969 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
(Taylor & Francıs Ltd, 2022)The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Attacus atlas formosanus (Villiard, 1969) is 15,280 bp in length, with the typical gene content and arrangement usually observed in Insecta. It contains 13 protein-coding ... -
A comprehensive study on electronic structure and optical properties of carbon nanotubes with doped B, Al, Ga, Si, Ge, N, P and As and different diameters
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2019)Density functional theory (DFT) is used for investigating the electronic structure and optical properties carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with doped B, Al, Ga, Si, Ge, N, P and As and different diameters. Our results show that the ... -
Contribution to the genus Okinawepipona Yamane (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from Vietnam, with description of a new species
(MAGNOLIA PRESS, 2018)A new species of the genus Okinawepipona Yamane from Vietnam is described and figured: Okinawepipona yty Nguyen, sp. nov. (northern Vietnam). Biology of O. yty Nguyen, sp. nov. and O. nigra Nguyen & Xu, 2014 is recorded. ... -
Contributions to the winter stoneflies (Plecoptera: Taeniopterygidae & Capniidae) of China
(Magnolia Press, 2021)A complementary re-description of Kyphopteryx dorsalis Kimmins, 1947 is presented on the basis of a fresh male and additional females from southeastern Tibet, southwestern China. The hitherto unknown inner structures of ... -
Cytotoxicity of Piper aduncum (Piperaceae) essential oil in brown stink bug Euschistus heros (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
(SPRINGER, 2019)Euschistus heros (F.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is a soybean pest in Brazil, controlled with synthetic chemical insecticides, which may be harmful to the environment and humans, as well as to select pest resistant strains. ...