Relations between Value-Based Leadership and Distributed Leadership: A Casual Research on School Principles' Behaviors
In this study, the relations between value-based leadership and distributed leadership behaviors of school principals were defined on the basis of the views of the primary school teachers. A casual research was designed for this. 225 primary school teachers were took part in study group determined the maximum variation sampling method. Data were gathered by scale of Values-Based Leadership and Distributed Leadership Inventory. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses were used to define construct validity of the scales. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis techniques were used in the analysis processes. Findings showed that there were .74 positive correlation between Value Based Leadership and Distributed Leadership. The results of regression analysis indicated that the distributed leadership was explained by value-based leadership from 27% to 43%. Four dimensions for distributed were leadership were team work (41%), support (47%), vision creating (43%) and control (27% of).
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