Browsing Yayın Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 82
Adaptation of Teacher - Student Relationship Scale (STRS)
(ASSOC MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY, 2016)Teacher - student relationship is a critical factor which play a role on child's social and emotional development from the beginning of the school life. Assessing this relationship's quality can lead the preventive and ... -
An analysis of internet addiction levels of individuals according to various variables
(2011)The concept of internet addiction refers to the excessive use of internet which in turn causes various problems in individual, social and professional aspects. The aim of this study was to determine internet addiction ... -
Analyzing the relationship between social anxiety, social support and problem solving approach of university students
(TURKISH EDUCATION ASSOC, 2013)The aim of this study was to determine whether or not social support and problem solving approach employed by university students predict their social anxiety. A total of 811 students (506 female and 305 male) students who ... -
A case study on the use of materials by classroom teachers
(EDAM, 2008)This research has the nature of a descriptive case study aiming to clarify the opinions of primary education classroom teachers about the use of materials and tools in the lessons. It is a qualitative research benefiting ... -
Civility levels of the teaching staff of the faculty of education
(Sakarya University, 2016)The objective of this study is to determine the civility levels of the teaching staff of the faculty of education, who are the role models of future teachers. The study is a quantitative study carried out in the survey ... -
Competencies of social studies teachers' about utilizing from questions in in-class teaching (the sample of Kırşehir) [Sosyal bilgiler öğretmeninin sınıf içi öğretimde sorulardan yararlanma yeterlikleri (Kırşehir örnegi)]
(2008)Identifying the competencies of social sciences teachers' about utilizing from questions in in-class teaching process forms the basic problem of this study. Determining the problems that teachers face when utilizing from ... -
Controlling mathematics anxiety by the views of guidance and psychological counseling candidates
(Eurasian Society of Educational Research, 2019)The aim of this study is to reveal the suggestions of guidance and psychological counseling candidates (GPC) in dealing with math anxiety. The study analysed 50 GPC candidates’ opinions and suggestions on math anxiety. The ... -
Determination of Pre-service Teachers' Sensitivity to Violence Against Children
(Anı Yayıncılık, 2021)Purpose: Violence against children in the world and Turkey is increasing day by day, and this alarming increase harms the development of children and the future of society. Therefore, pre-service teachers' sensitivity to ... -
Determination Of Pre-Service Teachers’ Sensitivity To Violence Against Children
(Ani Publishing, 2021)Purpose: Violence against children in the world and Turkey is increasing day by day, and this alarming increase harms the development of children and the future of society. Therefore, pre-service teachers' sensitivity to ... -
Developing Perceived Competence Scale (PCS) for Adolescents
(ASSOC MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY, 2016)In this study, Perceived Competence Scale was developed to measure high school students' perceived competence. Scale development process was verified on three different samples. Participants of the research are some high ... -
Digital and traditional political participation of high school students just before the 2023 presidential election in Turkey
(Intellect Ltd., 2024)The youth population rate in Turkey is quite high compared to other European countries. According to official figures, there are 13 million people between the ages of 15 and 24 in Turkey. In the presidential election on ... -
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method and Systematic Teaching on Students' Achievement and Retention of Knowledge in Social Studies Lesson
(ANI YAYINCILIK, 2016)Problem Statement: Many effective instructional strategies, methods, and techniques, which were developed in accordance with constructivist approach, can be used together in social studies lessons. Constructivist education ... -
The Effect of Digital Stories on 3rd Graders’ Achievement, Attitudes and Motivation in Science Lesson
(Özgen Korkmaz, 2022)This research aimed to determine the effect of digital stories on 3rd grade students’ achievement, attitudes, and motivation in science lesson. For this purpose, explanatory sequential design, one of the mixed methods, was ... -
The Effect of Mastery Learning Model on Students Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study
(ASSOC MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY, 2016)In this research the effect of mastery learning model on academic achievement of students is investigated. Whether the effect of mastery learning on academic achievement changes according to the field and education level ... -
The Effect of Multimedia-Based Learning on the Concept Learning Levels and Attitudes of Students
(ANI YAYINCILIK, 2015)Problem Statement: Rich stimuli received by sensory organs such as vision, hearing, and touch are important elements that affect an individual's perception, identification, classification, and conceptualization of the ... -
The Effect of Portfolio Use on Academic Achievement: A Meta-analysis
(HACETTEPE UNIV, 2017)It is a meta-analysis study, searching the effectiveness of portfolio use in teaching. The sample, selected through an exhaustive search, consisted of 24 studies, including the studies conducted in overseas. The data ... -
The effects of graphical regulations on students' levels of reading-comprehension [Grafiksel düzenlemelerin ögrencilerin okuma-anlama düzeylerine etkisi]
(2010)The purpose of this research is to study graphical regulations' effects of on students 'level of reading and comprehension. Pre-test, post test experimental design with control group was used for the research. Graphical ... -
The effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension, retention on learning and self-efficacy perception
(Pegem Akademi Yayincilik Egitim Danismanlik Hizmetleri, 2020)This study was carried out to test the effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension skills, learning retention and self-efficacy perception of reading comprehension. Research was conducted in 4th grade Turkish ... -
The effects of smartphone addiction marital adjustment of partners
(Sakarya University, 2017)The purpose of this study is to examine the role of smartphone dependency in communication conflicts between partners during marital adjustment. The study sample consisted of 428 married family physicians and health care ...