The improvement of chronological perceptions among fifth grade students: A quasi-experimental study
This study is an action research based both on quantitative and qualitative research techniques carried out with a group of fifth grade students in K'rehir during the 2003-2004 education year. In the study, the main purpose was to improve historical time concept and chronology perceptions among fifth grade students. Students' interests, reactions to educational methods and materials (e.g., time tables, photographs, old household tools, collections, and so on) were used. In addition, the contributions of educational methods and materials on children's academic achievement levels related to the subject were studied. A success test were used in a pre-and-post-test design. The class times were recorded by a tape recorder and the learning products gained during the class were collected. Data evaluation included statistical analyses such as charting the pre-test and post-test scores on the attitude and achievement scales and the analyses of class process from voice-recorded data. In addition, student evaluation forms related to lectures and learning products and lesson evaluation compositions were analyzed. In interpreting the quantitative data, t-tests, ANOVA, percentage distributions and correlations were computed by SPSS. On the other hand, qualitative data were analyzed separately by evaluating voice record analysis and content analysis. According to the findings, preparing historical timelines by the help of individual timelines, old photographs, and examining old household tools not only attracted the interest of children towards history but also provided positive contribution in academic aspect on their historical time and chronology perceptions. At the end of this research, it is observed that historical time concept can be taught to children from the very early ages with suitable methods and approaches by using historical time tools.
- WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [3186]
- Yayın Koleksiyonu [84]