Satisfaction Level of Faculty of Education Students with the Service Quality of Teaching
Today, the quality of the teaching service provided in educational institutions is evaluated based on perceptions of students who receive the teaching service in question. Quality in teaching involves certain decisions and practices which lead to improvements in student learning and satisfaction before, during, and after the teaching process. School policies which guide student learning and apply a teaching program that is generally accepted by the society constitute the basis for student satisfaction. It was aimed in this study to explore satisfaction of students enrolled in the Faculty of Education with teaching service quality. The survey method was employed in the study to describe the current situation. The sample included 449 randomly selected students enrolled in different departments of the Faculty of Education, Ahi Evran University. Survey questions and the teaching service quality scale developed by the researcher were used for data collection. Validity and reliability of the teaching service quality scale were tested with 670 students. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale explained 57.26% of the total variance and had a 7-factor structure. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient of the scale was 0.895 and the Barlett Test significance value was significant above at p<0.00 level. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was ?=0.854 and the test-retest method applied to 130 students produced a stability factor of r =.872. Regarding ? values for the factors of the scale, the relationship was found to be significant at 0.777 level of physical and technological equipment; at 0.635 level for appropriate environment; at 0.715 level for integrity in learning; at 0.721 level for encouraging learning; at 0.386 for keeping up-to-date; at 0.598 for internalizing learning; and at 0.535 level for process-based evaluation. Fit index values of the seven factors of the scale, which were found as a result of exploratory factor analysis, were calculated using confirmatory factor analysis. Fit index values were RMSEA= 0.061, SRMR= 0.050 NFI= 0.92, CFI= 0.95, GFI= 0.86, and AGFI= 0.83. The study attempted the answer the question, “What is the satisfaction level of the students with teaching services in relation to the factors of the scale and teaching practices?". Correlation with satisfaction level and predictive power for satisfaction level were explored for each factor of the scale. The data collected in the study was analyzed and results were discussed comparatively with literature findings. Certain recommendations were presented within the framework of findings obtained in the study to improve teaching service quality in education faculties and ensure student satisfaction. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.