Examination of the responsibility education strategies of primary school teachers [İlköğretim okullarında görev yapan öğretmenlerin sorumluluk eğitimi stratejilerinin İncelenmesi]
The aim of this study is to examine the responsibility education strategies which are applied by primary education teachers in process of education. The research is a quantitative study in survey model. The study group of the research consists of 456 teachers. The data of the research was collected with “Personal Information Form” and “Responsibility Education Strategy Scale” developed by the researcher. The scale consists of 34 items and 2 factors. After the validity analysis on the data, KMO value was determined as 0.947; Bartlett Test values were x2=6502.170; sd=561; p<.001; explained variance amount was determined as %44.711. The reliability coefficient of the scale is Cronbach’s alpha 0.942. At the end of the research, it was determined that (1) teachers used informative responsibility education strategy more than applied responsibility education; (2) there were significant differences among the strategy applying level of teachers according to their education level, gender and level of seniority; (3) there were significant and positive relationship between seniority and responsibility education strategy which was applied. Collected results were discussed in relation to the literature and suggestions were made. © 2014, (publisher). All rights reserved.