The strategies and tactics were used in the reading and understanding process [Okuma-anlama süreci·nde i·şe koşulan strateji·ler ve bu strateji·ler kapsaminda kullanilan takti·kler]
Learning, especially regarding written texts, has an important place in individuals' life. It is necessary to use the skills of reading and understanding effectively for a person to get enough benefit from a text. There is a direct relationship between the strategies and efficient usage of reading and understanding skills. If a person chooses some tactics which appropriate with reading and understanding strategies, It helps him to understand and use the text in his daily life. An effective reading process includes some strategies that could be before reading, while reading and after reading. The tactics in each strategy changes according to the individual's cognitive style, objectives, directing metacognition and the chosen text. The purpose of the study is to find out what are the strategies during the purposeful reading and understanding process and the tactics of the students to activate those strategies. The relationship between tactics which are before, during and after reading and purposeful reading, departmant and the type of text were tried to determined. The data were tested by percentage and che-square independent test technics. To analyze the data SPSS package program was used and some suggestions were given according to the findings.