On the karyology, morphology and biology of Chionomys gud (Satunin, 1909) (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey
We examined the karyotype of Chionomys gud for the first time from Turkey, and found the values 2n=54, NF=58 and NFa=54. The X chromosome was found to be submetacentric and the Y chromosome acrocentric. Counts of embryos suggested a litter size range of 4 - 6 (mean 4.66, N = 3). Glans penis was stick shaped and covered by numerous microscopic papillae. The baculum had a well developed cartilaginous trifit distal process. The stalk of baculum had a well developed and broad base. The base and the shaft of the os baculum were roughly triangular in shape in dorsal view. The skull shapes of young, adult and aged specimens had distinctive features; in particular, the sagital crest became more prominent in older animals. Much variation was found in the shape of the molar chewing surfaces.