"Saçi" tradition in classical Turkish literature [Klasik Türk şiirinde saçi geleneği]
Sources of Classical Turkish Literature is examined by groups named religious sources, Persian legends and local sources. First two of them has parallel usages in Persian, Arabic and Turkish literatures. Local sources are formed by national elements in this literary tradition. In this regard to be examined of this sources is very important. Besides this kind of works put forth the position of Divan poems and poets. The distance between Divan poem and folk culture also can be fixed by this kind of works. In this work tradition of "saçi{dotless}" which continues from the ages of "Gök Tanri{dotless}" religion to present and also is a indicator of Turkish culture's continuity will be examined according to classical Turkish literature, meanings of "saçi{dotless}" word in vairous texts will be tried to classify.