An admirer of St. Hussein: Kerbela dirges in diwan of Bahreddin one of the unknown poets of the last century [Bir Hz. Hüseyin âşigi: son asrin meçhul şairlerinden Bahreddîn ve dîvânindaki kerbelâ mersiyeleri]
Dirge is general name of poem after a decendent to express sadness of a valuable thing or to commend them. In Turkish literature, it is seen that liric poems is written for religion and state leader, also especially Hz. Hussein and martyrs of Kerbelâ, to express regret the loss of the deceased, to explain aspects of that person's best interest for him, to express the poet, to show consent the destiny of the world, emphasize the transience, patience and fortitude to invite relatives of the deceased. Kerbelâ dirges describing the seizure of a martyr of Hz. Hussein, are written by a lot of poets from the date on which the Kerbelâ event occurred in the world of Islam. Kerbelâ dirges are located at diwans and other works. In this article, twenty eight Kerbelâ dirges at the Bahreddîn diwan, which are unique copies in M. Fatih Köksal's personal library, will be introduced. Bahreddîn lived between the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. He wrote poems under the pseudonym Bahrî and Bahreddîn, and he belongs to Shabaniyye sect. These dirges have been written by the poet with a great love for St. Hussein.