Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
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The First Rewriting of the Book of Dede Korkut in Story Format: "Mustafa Rahmi, Korkud Atanin Kitabi Evvel Zamanda..."
(Geleneksel Yayıncılık Ltd Stl, 2020)The Book of Dede Korkut contains very important cultural elements in terms of Turkish culture and history. It was announced to the scientific world by Heinrich Friedrich Von Diez. A century later, in 1916, it was published ... -
Chaghatay Manuscripts in the National Library of Kazakhstan
(Istanbul Universitesi, 2021)The National Library of Kazakhstan was established on December 31, 1910, and opened to the general public on March 6, 1911, in Almaty. Named after the Russian writer Alexander Pushkin in 1937, the library was renamed as ... -
Lost Cat in The Rain in Samovar in the Ambiguous of Odradek-Exploring Einfuhlung/Empathy at the Focus of Mimesis
(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2020)The concept of mimesis (imitation) developed by Aristotle, producing the foundations of Plato, forms the essence of today's recognition of art and literature. According to Aristotle, as long as the subject can relate to ... -
Akhi·sm-bektashi·sm relati·on accordi·ng to rite, rules and manner similarities [Ayi·n, erkân ve adap benzerli·kleri· açisindan ahi·li·k-bektaşi·li·k münasebeti·]
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2010)In this article, striking similarities and bounderies between rules and manners of Bektashism and Akhism will be exposed. In our study objective and biased opinions that opinionsane not based on sources and documents in ... -
Rhyme at anatolian field folk poems: Fixings and suggestions [Anadolu sahasi halk şi·i·ri·nde kafi·ye: Tespi·tler ve öneri·ler]
(2008)Being evaluate of studies associated with rhyme that is committed to paper by specialists of this field and dictionaries, encyclopedia items which everyone obtain easily at the present, and difficulties that arises on ... -
A Bektashian futuvvetname [Bi·r Bektaşi fütüvvet-nâmesi·]
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2011)Bektashism and Turkish Akhism, while Arab futuvvet is the source of it, succeeding in creating especially sejherename and indigenous resources and its own culture, appears as affecting Turkish society a long period of time ... -
Unpublished poets of Nesîmî [Seyyi·d Nesîmî'ni·n yayimlanmamiş şi·i·rleri·]
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2009)Seyyid İmadüddin Nesîmî is one of the greatest poets of Turkish literature. But works about his poems are generally limited to his divans, but his poems in conks and other poem collections are not examined. Besides, some ... -
Semah groups' sustenance and reflection values [Semahlarin yaşattiği ve yansittiği değerler]
(Gazi Universitesi, Turk Kulturu ve Haci Bektas Veli, 2018)The dhikr consisting of twelve services performed by the leaders of the so-called dede or baba is called Ayin-i cem in the The Alevi-Bektashi communities. One of the main elements of the secret cem ceremonies of the Alevis ... -
To take out the man in the white coat from gogol's coat - Object's subject simulacra [Gogol'ün 'Palto'sundan 'Beyaz Mantolu Adam'ı Çıkarabilmek -Nesne'nin Özne Simülakra'sı-]
(Cyprus International University, 2018)Attempts of the object to take over the subject consist of giving the answers it desires, pretending to believe it, and dragging it to its own side. The subject becomes a victim of the object that it cannot escape. This ... -
The problem of meter in Shah Ismail Hatâyî's poems [Şah Ismail Hatâyî'nin şiirlerinde kullandigi vezin meselesi]
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2013)Creating a diwan under Hatâî penname, Shah Ismail-i Safavid (common usage in Anatolia, Hatâyî), is a powerful poet as much as man of government and politics. He has gained a longlasting impact on Anatolian Turkish society, ... -
"Menaqib-i Ahi Cihan-i Nasreddin Ahi Evrn" the unkown source on ahi evrn's legendary life [Ahi evrn'in menkabevi hayatina dair bilinmeyen bir eser: "Menâkib-i Ahî Cihân-i nasreddîn ahi evrn"]
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2012)Mystic or epic legends (menqabes) are crucial works in determining the cultural and belief history of a society. The works containing several menakibs are called "menaqib" or "menaqibname". While some menaqibs mention ... -
Miraculous (fatherless) birth of a hero according to some folk tales and religulous tales [Bazi halk anlatilari ve di·nî meti·nlere göre kahramanin muci·zevi· (babasiz) dogumu]
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2011)According to Turkish beliefs and thoughts kings and great heroes are considered as representatives of God on earth. They have been created in the sight of God and have been sent to earth through sacred objects. In this ... -
The organic connection between introduction of the book of dedem korkut and the stories [Dedem korkut kitabi’nin mukaddimesi ile boylar arasindaki organik bağ]
(Milli Folklor Dergisi, 2015)The Book of Dedem Korkut which is one of the most important cultural heritages for Turkish and world literatures arrives today with two copies, one of which is shorter. The Dresden copy has an introduction and twelve ... -
An admirer of St. Hussein: Kerbela dirges in diwan of Bahreddin one of the unknown poets of the last century [Bir Hz. Hüseyin âşigi: son asrin meçhul şairlerinden Bahreddîn ve dîvânindaki kerbelâ mersiyeleri]
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2013)Dirge is general name of poem after a decendent to express sadness of a valuable thing or to commend them. In Turkish literature, it is seen that liric poems is written for religion and state leader, also especially Hz. ... -
Unpublished Poets of Nesimi
(GAZI UNIV, TURK KULTURU VE HACI BEKTAS VELI, 2009)Seyyid Imaduddin Nesimi is one of the greatest poets of Turkish literature. But works about his poems are generally limited to his divans, but his poems in conks and other poem collections are not examined. Besides, some ... -
(GAZI UNIV, TURK KULTURU VE HACI BEKTAS VELI, 2011)According to Turkish beliefs and thoughts kings and great heroes are considered as representatives of God on earth. They have been created in the sight of God and have been sent to earth through sacred objects. In this ... -
An Addition to Karaghoz Perde Ghazels from Naili
(MILLI FOLKLOR DERGISI, 2011)Poems which are read by Hadjivat in the introduction of a galanty show are called perde ghazel. These poems are usually written in the ghazel form of classical Turkish literature. Content in the ghazels is about mystical ...