Lost Cat in The Rain in Samovar in the Ambiguous of Odradek-Exploring Einfuhlung/Empathy at the Focus of Mimesis
Dilber, K. C. (2020). Odradek’in Belirsizliğinde Yağmur’daki Kedi’yi Semaver’de Kaybetmek -Mimesis’in Odağında Einfühlung’u Keşfetmek-. Lıtera. https://doi.Org/10.26650/litera2020-0027Özet
The concept of mimesis (imitation) developed by Aristotle, producing the foundations of Plato, forms the essence of today's recognition of art and literature. According to Aristotle, as long as the subject can relate to the object, pure production continues; otherwise there is no production with the world of Ideas. The phase of entering into the imitated object integrating with it and feeling it comes into action. Aristotle describes this phase as"that everything is perceived through opposites". At the beginning of the 1900s, German philosophers emphasized the importance of human-nature relations and developed the concept of einfuhlung/empathy based on Aristotle's principle. With the evolution of this theory, objects are reconsidered not only as simple objects but also as objects in which subjects identify with them, give feeling and interact with them.Translated into English as empathy, this concept is also called "feeling into" because it does not fully correspond. Einfahlung is not only a concept but also a theory. Although the thoughts on this theory are extensive, it is seen that a general comprehensive framework has not yet been established and comparative examinations have not been done. This study covers the examination and comparison of story examples from German, American and Turkish literature in the context of the relationship between the object created as an imitation element and the subject, rather than providing extensive information about the emergence, development and problems of the Einuhlung concept. In this context, the stories of Franz Kafka's Die Sorge des Hausvaters (1919), Odradek an ambiguous entity with Ernest Hemingway's Cat in the Rain (1925) and Samovar (1935) by SA Faik Abasiyanik stories will be analyzed according to the einfuhlung/empathy theory.
Litera-Journal Of Language Literature And Culture StudiesCilt
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