Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Different Temperature and Deformation Speeds on Mechanical Properties and Springback Behaviour in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy
Thanks to their low density and high strength, the 7XXX series aluminum alloys are widely used as a support/beam parts in the aerospace industry. This alloy is target in the lightening studies of the automotive industry and surveys for sheet metal are still in progress. It is a series of alloys that can be applied to the aging process and has the most effect on mechanical properties. As formability is quite weak, methods are investigated. In this study, tensile test, bending test and Erichsen tests are performed at different deformation rates and temperatures. As a result of the experiments, it has been seen that the formability increases at high temperature and low deformation rates. If paint baking time is long, there will be no loss of strength. Also, the bending process is modeled with the help of the finite element analysis programs and the springback estimations are examined. It is seen that the results of the modeling process are quite successful. The effect of the strain rate sensitivity is determined.