Environmental Problems Caused By Agricultural Wastes Resulting From Greenhouse And High Tunnel Cultivation And Solution Suggestions
This study was conducted to determine the utilization status of pollutant factors that are effective on the environment (plastic materials, chemical fertilizers and pesticide boxes, post-harvest wastes and drip irrigation laterals etc.) at the end of their lifetime resulting from the greenhouse and high tunnel cultivation, which has begun to develop in Kirsehir province. For this purpose, a survey was conducted in 10 greenhouses and 15 high tunnel cultivation enterprises. With the help of the information obtained through the survey, it was attempted to determine the possible effects of the agricultural wastes originating from the enterprises on the environment. In the research area, it was determined that some enterprises discarded some of the plant wastes that resulted from cover material, chemical fertilizer boxes, pesticide boxes and pruning away from the greenhouse and high tunnel environment by burning or leaving them in the field. On the other hand, it was observed that there is one enterprise which leaves the plastic cover material to the point of recycling and that only one enterprise utilizes the plant wastes possessing compostability feature. In the province where the greenhouse and high-tunnel cultivation is increasing day by day, it is necessary to set up appropriate collection areas in rural areas in which these enterprises are intensive, so that agricultural wastes, which constitute environmental and economic problems if not well managed, do not create a bigger environmental problem in the following years. Through providing necessary information and incentives on recycling the plastics and on the composting of plant wastes obtained from the wastes to be collected in these areas, the damages that agricultural wastes will pose on nature, soil and water resources will be minimized. In addition, the utilization of these wastes as an energy source and a secondary raw material is also very important in terms of the country's economy.
- WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [3186]
- Yayın Koleksiyonu [20]