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Güncel Gönderiler
Evaluation of Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) for High Tunnel Greenhouse Tomatoes under Different Irrigation Levels
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of water stress on yield and various physiological parameters, including the crop water stress index for tomatoes in the Central Anatolian region of Turkey. For this ... -
Some physical, chemical, and germination properties of Peganum harmala L. seeds
(Wiley, 2022)In this study, the aim was to determine some physical and chemical properties of the seeds of Peganum harmala, known as rue or harmel, and to determine the effects of some implementations to break the seed dormancy. The ... -
The effects of water deficit on concentration of macro and micronutrients of common bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris,.) cultivars
(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2020)Water deficit is one of the main restrictions to crop growth and productivity worldwide. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of water deficit (Ii.oo:100%-control of field/pot capacity, ... -
Effect of different water regimes and nitrogen applications on the growth, yield, essential oil content, and quality parameters of the oil rose (Rosa damascena Mill.)
(Taylor & Francıs Inc, 2022)Oil rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) is a great important aromatic and medicinal plant widely used in cosmetics, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemical industries. Water supply and nutrition are vital for plant ... -
Application of multivariate statistical analysis in the assessment of surface water quality in Seyfe Lake, Turkey [Türkiye'de Seyfe gölü yüzey su kalitesinin degerlendirilmesinde çok degişkenli i·statistiksel analizlerin uygulanmasi{dotless}]
(Ankara University, 2014)Multivariate statistical methods are successfully used in many areas. Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis methods are the most used of these methods. In this study, water quality data prepared for Seyfe Lake ... -
Seed flow and in-row seed distribution uniformity of the top delivery type fluted roller for onion, carrot and canola seeds [Üstten Akışlı Oluklu Ekici Makaranın Soğan, Havuç ve Kanola Tohumları için Tohum Akışı ve Sıra Üzeri Tohum Dağılım Düzgünlüğü]
(2011)In this study, seed flow rate, seed flow evenness and in-row seed distribution uniformity of top delivery normal type straight fluted roller were examined in the laboratory experiments for the random seeding of uncoated ... -
Assessment of water quality in drainage canals of Çarşamba plain, Turkey, through water quality indexes and graphical methods
(Global NEST, 2016)In this study, the seasonal variation on drainage water quality of Çarşamba Plain, Turkey has been evaluated from July 2012 to January 2013 and determined the suitability of water for irrigation purpose. Water samples ... -
Comparison of different cover materials and energy resources in determining greenhouse heat requirements in Kirsehir province of Turkey
(Nobel Science and Research Center, 2017)Creating suitable temperatures for the plants in a greenhouse is possible by heating the greenhouse when temperature is not suitable for plant breeding. In this study, it is aimed to determine different amounts of fuel ... -
Seed Flow and In-row Seed Distribution Uniformity of the Top Delivery Type Fluted Roller for Onion, Carrot and Canola Seeds
(ANKARA UNIV, FAC AGR, 2011)In this study, seed flow rate, seed flow evenness and in-row seed distribution uniformity of top delivery normal type straight fluted roller were examined in the laboratory experiments for the random seeding of uncoated ... -
Water use and yield of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) under drip irrigation at different water regimes
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015)This study examines the effects of different irrigation regimes on water use and root yield of sugar beet, irrigated with a drip system under field conditions in the 2012-2013 seasons at Cukurcayir in the Kirsehir Centrum ... -
Assessment Of Water Qualıty In Draınage Canals Of Carsamba Plaın, Turkey, Through Water Qualıty Indexes And Graphıcal Methods
(GLOBAL NETWORK ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2016)In this study, the seasonal variation on drainage water quality of Carsamba Plain, Turkey has been evaluated from July 2012 to January 2013 and determined the suitability of water for irrigation purpose. Water samples ... -
Yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) at different water and nitrogen levels under the climatic conditions of Kirsehir, Turkey
(ELSEVIER, 2015)The present study was conducted to determine the effect of different irrigation and nitrogen levels on yield, yield components, and sugar rate of the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) during the years 2012 and 2013 in the ... -
A modeling study with an artificial neural network: developing estimation models for the tomato plant leaf area
(TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, 2016)The leaf area measurement is an important parameter in understanding the growth and physiology of a plant. Therefore, this study aimed to develop the best leaf area estimation model for tomato plants grown in plastic ... -
To Clarify The Effects Of Traditional And Direct Planting On Secondary Product Corn's Productivity And Water Consumption
(UNIV AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES & VETERINARY MEDICINE BUCHAREST, 2017)This study is carried on to clarify Traditional Planting and Direct Planting's effects on growth, water consumption and productivity in secondary corn product. On the trial that set up as random parcels, Pioneer 3394 corn ... -
A Comparıson Of The Gravımetrıc And Tdr Methods In Terms Of Determınıng The Soıl Water Content Of The Corn Plant
(UNIV AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES & VETERINARY MEDICINE BUCHAREST, 2016)This study, conducted in Kahramanmaras province with a view to watering the corn plant on a timely basis so as to avoid the plant going through water stress, aims to establish the relationship between the direct (Gravimetric) ... -
Investigation Of The Effectiveness Of The Fan-Pad Cooling System And The Horizontal Temperature And Relative Humidity Changes In The Greenhouse
(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2018)This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the fan-pad cooling system and the temperature and relative humidity changes throughout the horizontal distance in the greenhouse. For this purpose, a total of ... -
Environmental Problems Caused By Agricultural Wastes Resulting From Greenhouse And High Tunnel Cultivation And Solution Suggestions
(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2018)This study was conducted to determine the utilization status of pollutant factors that are effective on the environment (plastic materials, chemical fertilizers and pesticide boxes, post-harvest wastes and drip irrigation ... -
Morpho-Physiological responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars to drought stress
(AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE, 2019)Common bean (P. vulgaris L.) is the most important food legume in the diet of people and drought stress causes severe yield loss in this crop. This study was conducted to investigate morpho-physiological responses, yield ... -
Determination of Heat Requirements and Comparison of Energy Sources Used in Heating in Greenhouses of Kirsehir and Antalya Provinces
(KAHRAMANMARAS SUTCU IMAM UNIV, 2018)In the study in which the cost of geothermal energy is determined in terms of required heat energy, fuel quantity, carbon dioxide emission values and competitiveness if the internal temperature is kept constant at 18 degrees ... -
Determination Of Agricultural Mechanizatıon Level Of Kırşehir Province Using Geographical Information Systems (Gis)
(PUBL HOUSE BULGARIAN ACAD SCI, 2019)The aim of this study is to create a spatial database of basic values related to the level of agricultural mechanization with analyzable correlations. This will be helpful for decision-makers for producing policies to be ...