Seed flow and in-row seed distribution uniformity of the top delivery type fluted roller for onion, carrot and canola seeds [Üstten Akışlı Oluklu Ekici Makaranın Soğan, Havuç ve Kanola Tohumları için Tohum Akışı ve Sıra Üzeri Tohum Dağılım Düzgünlüğü]
In this study, seed flow rate, seed flow evenness and in-row seed distribution uniformity of top delivery normal type straight fluted roller were examined in the laboratory experiments for the random seeding of uncoated onion, carrot, canola and coated canola seeds. The regression models developed in this study included the seed flow rate changes with ´large scale fluted roller's, active flute length, rates of revolution. Generally, seed flow evenness of normal top delivery type fluted roller indicated as a value of coefficient of variation (CV) was found below 4% for onion, carrot and canola seeds. When the sticky belt test results were examined from the point of ? goodness criteria and Vf factor of variation, it was found that seeding unit with top delivery type straight fluted roller considered in the study was capable of sowing of uncoated onion and carrot seeds at ´middlé quality, and coated and uncoated canola seeds at ´good´ quality. © Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi.