Effects Of Some Invasıve Herbal Specıes On Natural Areas And Determınatıon Of Sılage Value: The Example Of Baglıca Town (Ankara), Turkey
Baglica town located in the centre of Turkey was chosen to determine the impact of rapid urbanisations on habitats and to examine the constricted habitat group and provide suggestions on which measures to take at the end of the review. It was determined that urbanisation and human pressure almost ruined the natural floristic structure of the locality and that some invasive plant species replaced this structure and gained a dominant characteristic. Field studies conducted in Baglica Locality in 2020 until the month of November have shown that many plant species are wiped out as a result of urbanisation. To obtain information about the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the distribution of invasive species in the study area, the frequency of encounters has been determined. On the other hand, considering the beginning of flowering and the end of flowering for Xanthium strumarium L. and Chenopodium album L. var. album, which are the most common in the region, silage was made using additives and dry matter, crude protein, ADF (Acid detergent fibre), NDF (Neutral detergent fibre) ratios and silage pH were determined. According to the results, dry matter, and ADF and NDF rates of silages increased with delaying harvest stage, but crude protein content decreased. However, a positive effect was observed in the silage pH in the use of the additive.
Journal Of Envıronmental Protectıon And EcologyCilt
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