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dc.contributor.authorTunçbilek, Aydın
dc.contributor.authorAzarkan, Serap Yalçın
dc.contributor.authorErcan, Fahriye
dc.identifier.citationTunlek, A., Azarkan, S. Y., & Ercan, F. (2023). The Determination of Molecular and Toxicological Mechanisms of Cucurbitacin E in Model Organism Drosophila melanogaster and Various Cancer Cell Lines: Molecular Modelling, Docking and Dynamic Simulation Studies. Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, 19(2), 81-93.en_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Cucurbitacins are one of the most important components of Ecballium elaterium. Among the cucurbitacins, Cucurbitacin E was the first to be isolated. This study fo-cused on screening the anticancer and insecticidal potential of Cucurbitacin E by the in-vitro, in-vivo, and in-silico methods. Methods: In the study, toxicity analysis of Cucurbitacin E was determined on HeLa, Caco 2 cancer cell lines and D. melanogaster. While the expression levels of the BAD, BCL-2, AKT-1 and H-purine genes of cancer cell lines were determined, the CG15530, BUFFY, AKT-1 and Purine genes of D. melanogaster were determined by RT-PCR. Besides, molecular docking and dynamic properties of Cucurbitacin E with human and insectoid enzymes were presented in silico. Results: The IC50 value of Cucurbitacin E in the HeLa ovarian and Caco 2 colon cancer cell lines was determined to be 42 ug/ml and 85 ug/ml, respectively. The LC50 and LC99 doses for fruit flies were determined to be 47,693 µg/ml and 133,251 µg/ml, respectively. Gene expression analysis revealed that Cucurbitacin E showed the greatest effect on Purine and AKT-1 genes in D. melano-gaster. We analyzed all genes by Western blot but did not detect significant changes in genes oth-er than H-purine. In silico studies revealed that the Purine protein of D. melanogaster had the highest bonding energy with Cucurbitacin E as a ligand. Similarly, Cucurbitacin E showed great affinity towards H-purine (-10.2 kcal/mol). Molecular dynamics simulation studies were also performed to determine the stability of the dynamic process. Conclusion: As a result of our in vivo, in vitro and bioinformatic analyzes, it has been seen that Cucurbitacin E is effective against the cancer types and model insects studied. © 2023 Bentham Science Publishers.en_US
dc.publisherBentham Science Publishersen_US
dc.subjectCucurbitacin Een_US
dc.subjectDrosophila melanogasteren_US
dc.subjectmolecular dockingen_US
dc.subjectmolecular dynamic analysesen_US
dc.titleThe Determination of Molecular and Toxicological Mechanisms of Cucur-bitacin E in Model Organism Drosophila melanogaster and Various Cancer Cell Lines: Molecular Modelling, Docking and Dynamic Simulation Studiesen_US
dc.relation.journalCurrent Computer-Aided Drug Designen_US
dc.contributor.departmentZiraat Fakültesien_US
dc.contributor.authorIDSerap Yalçın Azarkan / 0000-0002-9584-266Xen_US
dc.contributor.authorIDFahriye Ercan / 0000-0002-0111-8460en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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