Keskintaş, Orhan. Adalet, Ahlâk ve Nizam Osmanlı Siyasetnameleri İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017, 344 s. ISBN: 9789750522789
Keleş, A. (2023). Keskintaş, Orhan. Adalet, Ahlâk ve Nizam Osmanlı Siyasetnameleri. Kadim, (5), 199-204.Abstract
This article analyzes Orhan Keskintaş's work entitled Justice, Morality and Order Ottoman Siyasetname, which is based on his doctoral dissertation on Ottoman Siyasetname. Information is given about the content of the sections and then a general assessment is made. At the last section some critics on the book are attached. © Copyright CliniCal and ExpErimEntal rhEumatology 2023.
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