The Similarities of Acquisitions towards STEM Activity in Science Course Teaching Curricula: in Turkey Physical Events/New Zealand Physical World
Aydın, A., & Kıvanç, Z. (2022). The Similarities of Acquisitions towards STEM Activity in Science Course Teaching Curricula: in Turkey Physical Events/New Zealand Physical World.Özet
In this study Physical events/physical world achievements taking place in New Zealand and Turkey Science Course Teaching Curriculums were examined a towards STEM activity and the comparison of the similarities of the acquisitions was aimed. In this study, the analytical approach employed in the field of comparative education was used. The general survey model was used as a research model. As a data source, Science Course Teaching Curricula in New Zealand in 2007 and in Turkey in 2017 were used. Data were analyzed using a content analysis. The findings showed that the learning acquisitions in the curricula in Turkey and New Zealand were very similar (%79.43), concerning expression, implication and emphasis. The similarity of the acquisition was determined by 15 science teachers’ opinions who were working in secondary schools of the Ministry of National Education in Turkey. Similarity ratios were calculated using the reliability coefficient calculation formula for each acquisition. As a result of the calculations, the acquisitions that had a score of 70% or more were considered similar. The findings showed that 14 gains in terms of implication, expression and emphasis in the Science Course Teaching Curricula were similar between Turkey and New Zealand. © 2022, Hacettepe University. All rights reserved.
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