Does Science Education Contribute To Citizenship Education In Turkey?
Kus, Z., & Mert, H. (2023). Does Science Education Contribute to Citizenship Education in Turkey?. Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE), 69-86.Özet
This research aims to explore the connections between science and citizenship education and how science education contributes to citizenship education in Turkey. To achieve these goals, we focused on two research questions: First, what does the science curriculum in Turkey encompass concerning citizenship education? Second, how do science educators perceive their role in contributing to citizenship education, and how do they foster students' citizenship skills? Multiple data sources were employed to provide comprehensive answers to these research questions. In this context, the science curriculum in Turkey was analyzed, and interviews were conducted with science educators using a semi-structured interview protocol. The data were processed using the Maxqda Qualitative Data Analysis Program and subjected to content analysis. The research findings underscore that there is a relationship between science education and citizenship education. Science courses have the potential to cultivate citizenship competencies. However, science educators feel that science education is falling short of meeting its citizenship objectives due to various challenges they encounter. It is essential to train and support teachers to seamlessly integrate citizenship skills into science education.
Journal Of Internatıonal And Comparatıve EducatıonCilt
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