A general view of the biomass energy potential and its use in Turkey
Guresci, E. (2020). A general view of the biomass energy potential and its use in Turkey. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Energy, 173(4), 141-149.Özet
Biomass energy is an important energy source in Turkey. In particular, it is the major source of energy in rural Turkey. Biomass energy is used to meet a variety of energy needs, including heating homes and workplaces, generating electricity, fuelling motor vehicles and heating processes for industrial production. Biomass energy sources include forest production, and animal and plant wastes. Because the output value is rather high in Turkey and about 27.6% of the total share of biomass production, fuel wood is an important source of biomass energy. The total biomass energy potential in Turkey is about 32.4 Mtoe (million tonnes of oil equivalent). The amount of usable biomass potential in Turkey is approximately 17.2 Mtoe. This study describes the situation and importance of biomass energy production, its use and potential in Turkey. The current status of biomass energy and requirements for biomass energy production, which play an important and vital role in human life, the environment and agriculture, have been examined.
Proceedıngs of The Instıtutıon of Cıvıl Engıneers-EnergCilt
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