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Learning from expert or own practice: reflectively editing video cases for professional development
(Routledge Journals, 2023)This research aimed to investigate how the video editing process professionally affected preservice teachers' reflection levels and whether it differed by the type of in-class teaching experiences (their own and expert ... -
Learning to Teach: Ethnomethodological Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers' Instructional Decisions
(Anı Publishing, 2020)In the research, it was aimed to determine how pre-service teachers establish the meaning regarding instructional decision making based on their first instructional experiences. The research was designed as ethnomethodological ... -
Turkish-addressed social sciences citation index articles: What does the big picture tell us?
(Elsevier Ltd, 2021)This study investigates articles in the SSCI written in the English language and published in the ‘Education & Educational Research’ area between 1980 and 2019. In the study, bibliometric methods were used to detect the ... -
Community of Inquiry Framework: Research Trends Between 2000-2020
(Onlıne Learning Consortium, 2022)The current study aimed to understand the trend in the community of inquiry that many researchers have been working on for over 20 years. Within the scope of this aim, 102 studies were reviewed with regards to some variables: ... -
The development of the online player type scale: Construct validity and reliability testing
(IGI Global, 2020)The present study outlines the development of the Online Player Type Scale (OPTS) utilizing a motivational taxonomy developed. This taxonomy was comprehensively reviewed to create scale items, and the conceptual framework ... -
External And Internal Barriers In Technology Integration: A Structural Regression Analysis
(Journal Of Informatıon Technology Education-Research, 2020)Aim/Purpose The aim of this study is to propose and test a model in which perceived barriers to technology integration are handled within a broad framework. It can be argued that the proposed model will have the dynamics ... -
The Views of The Quality Ambassadors on Quality Management in Higher Education and the Technological Barriers Encountered
(Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2020)In this study, it was aimed to examine the views of quality ambassadors about general structure of quality processes in higher education and technology barriers in depth. For this purpose, the study was carried out based ... -
Editing video cases to facilitate preservice teachers’ self-reflection on their instructional decisions
(Routledge, 2022)This study examines preservice teachers’ (PTs’) video case (VC) editing process to enhance their self-reflection on instructional decisions in teaching experiences. We apply the triple-cycle process, including teaching ... -
Efficiency and tendency of the educational computer games in education: A document review
(Sakarya University, 2016)The computer and internet technologies which show an immediate change and development, show its effect in educational field as well as all fields of life. One of the implementation areas of computer and internet technologies ... -
Education faculty students' preferred learning situation about computer literacy
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010)In this study it is tried to be determined that Ahi Evran University Education Faculty students when they are learning about Office, Internet Explorer and Windows Xp prefer which level of learning between formal, semiformal ... -
Self Evaluation of Students' Language in the Frame of Information and Communication Technologies
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2014)The aim of the study is to identify students' misuse of language in the frame of information and communication technologies with their self-evaluation and determine the recommendations to find out ways to overcome misuse ... -
The investigation of attitude and readiness of information and communication technologies pre-service teachers toward web based learning
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015)The present study aims to investigate attitudes and readiness of Information and Communication Technologies pre-service teachers toward web-based learning. In the study group of the research are 165 pre-service teachers. ... -
Designing and implementing an adaptive online examination system
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2014)A design and application of adaptive online exam system are carried out in this paper. Adaptive exam systems determine different question sets automatically and interactively for each student and measure their competence ... -
Pre-service teachers' perceived internet self-efficacy and levels of internet use for research
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010)The present study aims to identify the relationship between pre-service teachers' perceived Internet self-efficacy and their levels of Internet use for research and to examine perceived Internet self-efficacy in terms of ... -
Investigation of relationship between preservice teachers' unethical computer using behavior and attitudes towards the using of internet
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2011)The aim of this study is determining the thoughts of preservice teachers regarding unethical computer usage behaviors and variables affecting these thoughts. Within the framework of this general aim, the relationship between ... -
The relationship between the perceived learning strategies of prospective teachers and their interaction and monitoring anxiety
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010)Investigating the relationship between the perceived learning strategies of prospective teachers and their interaction and monitoring anxiety, the present study was conducted in the Faculty of Education at Ahi Evran ... -
Academic achievement and opinions of CEIT students graduating from vocational high school
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2011)This study aims to compare the academic achievement and opinions of the students in the department of CEIT who graduated from vocational schools and general high schools. It is a descriptive. The study sample consists of ... -
Computer and instructional technologies preservice teachers' attitudes regarding distance education
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2011)The purpose of this research is to analyze the attitudes of Computer Education and Instructional Technology Education Department 1., 2. and 3. grade students regarding the distance education (ARDE), in terms of gender, ... -
Primary perceptual field in visual materials
(2009)This study aims to determine the field (s) that students tend to perceive first in an instructional material. It employs the scanning model and its study group consists of 378 sophomore students attending the Faculty of ... -
Blended learning experience in a programming language course and the effect of the thinking styles of the students on success and motivation
(Sakarya University, 2016)High-level thinking and problem solving skill is one requirement of computer programming that most of the students experience problems with. Individual differences such as motivation, attitude towards programming, thinking ...