Browsing Hemşirelik Bölümü by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 43
Erzurum ili ilköğretim okulu öğrencilerinin sigara kullanma durumları
(2009)Giriş: Sigara kullanımı, dünyadaki en önemli önlenebilir sağlık sorunlarından biridir. Her yıl 5 milyon kişinin sigara yüzünden ölmesi ve sigaranın pek çok zarara yol açması nedeniyle Dünya Sağlık Örgütü dünyadaki en büyük ... -
Cigarette smoking status among students of primary school in erzurum [Erzurum Ili llkögretim okulu ögrencilerinin sigara kullanma Durumlari]
(2009)Introduction: Tobacco use is one of the most important preventable health problems all over the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared that smoking is the biggest health problem since over five million people ... -
Use of complementary and alternative medicine by patients with arthritis
(WILEY, 2010)Aims and objectives. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with arthritis, the types of complementary and alternative medicine used, pertinent ... -
The Prevalence Of Chronıc Dısease And Drug Use In The Elderly In Central Kırsehır
(GUNES KITABEVI LTD STI, 2010)Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of chronic diseases and drug use in the elderly in central Kirsehir. Materials and Methods: Randomly selected 290 elderly participants registered at six ... -
The prevalence of chronic disease and drug use in the elderly in central Kirşehi·r
(2010)Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of chronic diseases and drug use in the elderly in central Kirşehir. Materials and Methods: Randomly selected 290 elderly participants registered at six ... -
An analysis of relation between sleep quality and academic success [Uyku kali·tesi·ve akademi·k başari arasindaki· i·li·şki·ni·n i·ncelenmesi·]
(2010)This diagnostic study has been conducted to analyze the 'Sleep Quality and Academic Success' of the students of the Nursing School at Cumhuriyet University in Turkey. The population of the study includes totally 330 students ... -
Anxiety and depression levels of inpatients in the city centre of Kirsehir in Turkey
(WILEY, 2011)The aim of this study was to determine the anxiety and depression levels of inpatients. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kirsehir in the middle part of Turkey with a sample of 433 inpatients. As the data-gathering ... -
Microscopic investigations in a diabetic rat urinary bladder infected with Trichosomoides crassicauda
(OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2011)Rats are widely used laboratory animals and have several parasites. One of these are helminths, known not only to cause serious effects on the experimental results in healthy subjects, but also in subjects with heavy ... -
Fatigue, anxiety and depression levels, activities of daily living of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(WILEY, 2013)The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the fatigue, anxiety and depression levels, activities of daily living of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n=255). It was found that there was ... -
Evaluation of daily living activities of the individuals with osteoarthritis [Osteoartritli Bireylerin Günlük Yasam Aktivitelerinin De?erlendirilmesi]
(Galenos Yayincilik,, 2014)Objective: Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most commonly seen joint diseases and chronic diseases. This research was conducted in order to evaluate daily living activities of the individuals who were diagnosed as OA. ... -
Sexual Dysfunction and Depression in Turkish Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
(SPRINGER, 2014)The aim of this study is to examine sexual dysfunction (SD) and depression in Turkish women with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Forty-five women were included in the sampling. The study inclusion criteria were: literate, ... -
Opinions of Clinic Nurses and Nursing Students about The Guiding to The Students in Nursing Practice
(ISTANBUL UNIV, FAC NURSING, 2015)Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the opinions of clinic nurses and nursing students about the guiding to the students in nursing practice. Method: Research took place in a State Hospital and a School of ... -
Daytime sleepiness and related factors in nursing students
(CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE, 2017)Background: Evaluation of the frequency and causes of daytime sleepiness in nursing students because it is an important factor in improving the health status of the students, controlling sleep problems, improving students' ... -
(GUNES KITABEVI LTD STI, 2017)Introduction: Urinary incontinence, which affects women of all age groups, is a crucial health problem, affecting the quality of the life and incidence of it increases especially with aging. Materials and Method: This study ... -
(GUNES KITABEVI LTD STI, 2017)Introduction: Intimate partner violence is a global public health problem that causes physical, sexual and psychological harm to elderly women. Materials and Method: The present qualitative study was conducted on 8 elderly ... -
Retrospective analysis of episiotomy prevalence
(GALENOS YAYINCILIK, 2017)Objective: This study was performed to determine the rate of episiotomy. Material and Methods: This retrospective was conducted in 3 state hospitals located in 3 cities in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. Ethics ... -
Quality of life and factors associated with it in elderly women with urinary incontinence [Üriner inkontinansli yaşli kadinlarda yaşam kalitesi ve etkileyen faktörler]
(Geriatrics Society, 2017)Introduction: Urinary incontinence, which affects women of all age groups, is a crucial health problem, affecting the quality of the life and incidence of it increases especially with aging. Materials and Method: This study ... -
Intimate partner violence in the elderly women, risk factors, coping strategies and health consequences: A qualitative study [Yaşli kadinlarin aile içi şiddet deneyimleri, risk faktörleri, baş etme yaklaşimlari ve sağlik sonuçlari: Nitel çalişma]
(Geriatrics Society, 2017)Introduction: Intimate partner violence is a global public health problem that causes physical, sexual and psychological harm to elderly women. Materials and Method: The present qualitative study was conducted on 8 elderly ... -
Nonomuraea insulae sp nov., isolated from forest soil
(SPRINGER, 2018)Strain H2R21(T), a novel actinobacterium, isolated from a forest soil sample collected from Heybeliada, Istanbul, Turkey, and a polyphasic approach was used for characterisation of the strain. Chemotaxonomic and morphological ... -
Sleep quality in elderly individuals and related factors Sleep quality
(DERMAN MEDICAL PUBL, 2018)Aim: The aim of the present study is to evaluate sleep quality in the elderly living in Kirsehir city center and to identify related factors. Material and Method: Subjects of this descriptive study included elderly individuals ...