Ziraat Fakültesi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 475
Effect of Raw and Fermented Pomegranate Pomace on Performance, Antioxidant Activity, İntestinal Microbiota and Morphology in Broiler Chickens
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2021)The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of raw (PP) and fermented pomegranate pomace (FP) on performance, antioxidant activity, caecal microbiota and ileal morphology in broiler chickens. A total of 175 ... -
Dorycnium vuralii (Fabaceae), a New Species from Türkiye
(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2024)The present study describes a new species Dorycnium vuralii (Fabaceae) from Çankırı, Türkiye. The new species is compared morphologically to the taxa of sect. Bonjeanea and sect. Dorycnium along with pollen micromorphology, ... -
The Efficacy of Grafting on Alkali Stressed Watermelon Cultivars Under Hydroponic Conditions
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)The goal of the present study was to determine whether grafting of watermelon on gourd rootstocks could improve alkalinity tolerance and to investigate the physiological and morphological response mechanisms of the grafted ... -
Dihaploidization İn Promising Summer Squash Genotypes (Cucurbita Pepo L.) Via İrradiated Pollen Technique
(Centenary University, 2021)Summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) is one of the important vegetable species preferred by the people of Turkey in terms of their nutritional value. F1 hybrid summer squash varieties are widely used both in the open field ... -
In Silico Detection Of İnhibitor Potential Of Passiflora Compounds Against SARS-Cov-2(Covid-19) Main Protease By Using Molecular Docking And Dynamic Analyses
(Elsevier B.V., 2021)SARS-Cov-2(Covid-19) is a new strain of coronavirus and was firstly emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Now, there is no known specific treatment of Covid-19 available. COVID-19 main protease is a potential drug ... -
Relationship Between Photosynthetic Pigments And Seed Yield Components In Soybean Cultivars In A Semi-Arid Region
(Pakıstan Botanıcal Soc, 2021)The field experiment was conducted according to a randomized block design with three replications. Most common cultivated soybean cultivars (Arsoy, Atalkisi, Blaze, Bravo, Ilksoy, Lider, Mersoy, Nova and Traksoy) in Turkey ... -
Structural, Thermal, Spectroscopic, Electronic and Biological Activity Properties of Coumarin-153 Dyes for DSSCs: A DFT Benchmark Study
(Elsevier, 2020)The structural, thermal, spectroscopic, electronic and biological activity properties of the Coumarin-153 molecule report herein a joint experimental and theoretical investigation. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), Nuclear ... -
The Genetıc Parameter Estımatıons Of Mılk Yıeld Characterıstıcs Of Holsteın Cattles Raısed In Kırsehır
(Parlar Scienfic Publications (P S P), 2020)In this study, 4589 milk yield records of Holstein Cattles in 389 enterprises, which are members of Kirsehir Cattle Breeders Association, recorded between 2007-2017 were used. 305-day milk yield (305 DMY), lactation length ... -
Effect of Common Bunt [tilletia caries (DC) tul] Infection on Agronomic Traits and Resistance of Wheat Entries
(Gaurav Publications, 2020)Wheat common bunt is a serious disease that may causes to yield losses of about 75-80% in wheat producing countries including Kazakhstan. This study conducted during 2019 and 2020 at Almaty Region, Kazakhstan, aimed to ... -
Influence of Peg-induced Drought Stress on Antioxidant Components of Callus Tissue of Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) Ecotypes
(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2021)Background: Drought is one of the important abiotic stress factors that restrict plant development. Sainfoin is known to be relatively tolerant of drought. However, there are limited reports on the effects of drought stress ... -
Investigation of G1 (c.260G>A) Polymorphism in Exon 1 of GDF9 Gene in Turkish Sheep Breed Karayaka
(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021)GDF9 is an essential gene for normal follicular development and prolificacy in sheep. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic polymorphism and G1 mutation of GDF9 gene exon 1 in 100 Karayaka ewes, belonging to ... -
Determination of Slaughter and Carcass Traits in Male Turkish Anatolian Buffaloes at ;Different Slaughter Weights
(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021)Nowadays, deficits in red meat resources in Turkey are caused by the import of red meat from different countries. Anatolian buffaloes used in this research are a species that can contribute to red meat production in Turkey. ... -
Chemical profiling and biological activity evaluation of propolis from Çayeli-Rize, Eastern Black Sea Region, Anatolia
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)The constituents of the aqueous, ethanol, hexane, and methanol extracts of Anatolian propolis collected from the Eastern Black Sea Region (Çayeli-Rize) were investigated by GC–MS, HPLC and AAS. Interestingly, lactulose has ... -
The effect of different fruiting temperatures on the yield and nutritional parameters of some wild and hybrid Hericium isolates
(Elsevier B.V., 2021)Temperature has an important impact on the sporophore development of mushrooms. In particular, in some warm area or during summer season, temperatures above 20 °C may emerge as a limiting factor in Hericium spp. cultivation. ... -
Quercetin: Potential antidiabetic effects through enzyme inhibition and starch digestibility
(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024)Diabetes mellitus involves high blood sugar levels due to insufficient insulin action. Furthermore, enzymes such as α-amylase and α-glucosidase break down carbohydrates into glucose, leading to postprandial hyperglycemia. ... -
Possibilities of Using Organic Wastes as a Growing Medium in Soilless Culture for Cut Flower Rose
(North Carolina State University, 2024)The possibilities of using organic wastes, such as hazelnut shells (HS), walnut shells (WS), hazelnut skins (HzS), and spent mushroom compost (SMC), as growth medium in cut flower rose cultivation in soilless substrate ... -
Evaluation of Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) for High Tunnel Greenhouse Tomatoes under Different Irrigation Levels
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of water stress on yield and various physiological parameters, including the crop water stress index for tomatoes in the Central Anatolian region of Turkey. For this ... -
Feed form and perch design do not interact to production performance, gastrointestinal tract traits, behaviour and welfare of laying hens reared in enriched cages
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)1. It was hypothesised that perch material and design may affect utility and maintenance energy demand in laying hens, affecting their feed form preferences and daily feed consumption. Accordingly, perch design and feed ... -
Multiple Linear Regression versus Automatic Linear Modelling [Regressão Linear Múltipla versus Modelagem Linear Automática]
(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2024)In this study, performances of Multiple Linear Regression and Automatic Linear Modelling are compared for different sample sizes and number of predictors. A comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation study was carried out for ... -
Studıes On Oleuropeın Extractıon And Purıfıcatıon, Its Antıfungal And Antıbacterıal Actıvıty And Molecular Dockıng Sımulatıons
(Gh Asachı Technıcal Unıv Iası, 2023)In this research, it was aimed to extract, purify the oleuropein compound from olive leaf and to determine its antimicrobial activity against microorganisms that cause diseases in plants. For this purpose, olive leaf crude ...