Browsing Ziraat Fakültesi by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 475
Adaptive Lasso Analysis For Grain Yield And Yield Components In Two-Rowed Barley Under Rainfed Conditions
(PUBL HOUSE BULGARIAN ACAD SCI, 2018)The goal of this study was to determine the yield components related to grain yield in order to improve barley yield under rainfed conditions of Turkey (Van). Stepwise and Adaptive Lasso methods were performed for selection ... -
Agronomic and Morphological Characterization of Kirsehir Local Green Long Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. longum) Populations
(KAHRAMANMARAS SUTCU IMAM UNIV REKTORLUGU, 2019)In this study conducted in 2014 and 2015, genotypes were collected from the center and villages of Kirsehir province. Overall, 99 green long pepper genotypes within 313 pepper genotypes were characterized from the emerging ... -
Allelopathic and Antifungal potentials of endemic Salvia absconditiflora Greuter & Burdet collected from different locations in Turkey
(Allelopathy Journal, 2020)We determined the antifungal and bioherbicidal properties of essential oils of Salvia absconditiflora. Its plant samples were collected from 10-locations in Kirsehir province, Turkey and dried in shade. Essential oils of ... -
Allelopathic and antifungal potentials of endemic salvia absconditiflora greuter & burdet collected from different locations in Turkey
(International Allelopathy Foundation, 2020)We determined the antifungal and bioherbicidal properties of essential oils of Salvia absconditiflora. Its plant samples were collected from 10-locations in Kırşehir province, Turkey and dried in shade. Essential oils of ... -
Amino acid, mineral, condensed tannin, and other chemical contents of olive leaves (Olea europaea L.) processed via solid-state fermentation using selected Aspergillus niger strains
(PONTIFICIA UNIV CATOLICA CHILE, FAC AGRONOMIA INGENIERIA FORESTAL, 2018)The present study aimed to examine the effects of solid-state fermentation (SSF) using selective A. niger strains on the amino acid, mineral, condensed tannin, and other chemical contents of olive leaves. The dried samples ... -
Analysing the diversity of the caprine melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) in goats with distinct geographic origins
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016)In humans, the variability of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene has been associated with geography, being mainly determined by the amount of exposure to sunlight. Studies performed in pigs have also evidenced the ... -
The analysis of mitochondrial data indicates the existence of population substructure in Karayaka sheep
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2018)In the current study, we investigated the existence of population substructure in the Karayaka sheep breed from Turkey. A fragment of the mitochondrial D-loop region has been successfully sequenced in 69 Karayaka sheep ... -
Anatomy, Palynology, Seed And Leaf Mıcromorphology Of Turkısh Endemıc Allıum Brevıcaule Boıss. & Balansa And Allıum Scorodoprasum Ssp. Rotundum (L.) Stearn
(Polska Akademia Nauk, 2022)In this study, two species belonging to the genus Allium and distributed in Turkey are investigated. A thick cuticle is observed on the epidermis of the scapes of the species. The epicuticular layer is not evident in Allium ... -
Ancient DNA (aDNA) extraction and amplification from 3500-year-old charred economic crop seeds from Kaymakc in Western Turkey: comparative sequence analysis using the 26S rDNA gene
(SPRINGER, 2019)Ancient DNA (aDNA) from 3500-4000years old seeds of Triticum aestivum L. or Triticum durum Dest., Vicia ervillia (L) Willd., Cicer arietinum L. and Vitis vinifera L. excavated from the archaeological site of Kaymakc was ... -
The ancient DNA and archaeobotanical analysis suggest cultivation of Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta at Yumuktepe and Yenikapı Pottery Neolithic sites in Turkey
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2022)Archaeobotanical materials subject to aDNA analysis were recovered from Yumuktepe and Yenikapı, two important archaeological sites in Anatolia and date back to the Pottery Neolithic Period i.e., 7th millennium BC. Many ... -
Antifungal Activities of some Salvia Species Extracts on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp radicis- lycopersici (Forl) Mycelium Growth In-vitro
(SPRINGEROPEN, 2016)The antifungal effects of essential oils and plant extracts (water, ethanol and methanol) of Salvia cryptantha Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham, Salvia tomentosa Mill., Salvia officinalis L.(cultural form) grown in Tokat ... -
Antifungal activities of some Salvia species extracts on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (Forl) mycelium growth in-vitro
(Egyptian Society for Biological Control of Pests, 2016)The antifungal effects of essential oils and plant extracts (water, ethanol and methanol) of Salvia cryptantha Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham, Salvia tomentosa Mill., Salvia officinalis L.(cultural form) grown in Tokat ... -
Antifungal Activity and Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Heracleum platytaenium Boiss's
(SPRINGEROPEN, 2016)This study was performed to identify effects of the essential oil from Heracleum platytaenium Boiss's plant on the fungi, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL) (Sacc.) W.C. Snyder & H. N. Hans., Rhizoctonia ... -
Antifungal activity and chemical composition of the essential oil of heracleum platytaenium boiss’s
(Egyptian Society for Biological Control of Pests, 2016)This study was performed to identify effects of the essential oil from Heracleum platytaenium Boiss’s plant on the fungi, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL) (Sacc.) W.C. Snyder & H. N. Hans., Rhizoctonia ... -
Antifungal Activity of Essential Oils and Plant Extracts from Sideritis germanicopolitana BORNM. Growin in Turkey
(EGYPTIAN SOC BIOLOGICAL CONTROL PESTS, 2016)In this study, the antifungal effects of essential oils and methanol plant extracts of Sideritis germanicopolitana BORNM grown in Tokat province was screened in vitro against, Rhizoctoniasolani J.G. Kuhn 1858, Sclerotinia ... -
Antifungal activity of lemon balm and sage essential oils on the growth of ochratoxigenic Penicillium verrucosum
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2012)In this study, the chemical compositions of essential oils (EOs) from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) and sage (Salvia officinalis) were determined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method, indicating ... -
Antifungal Actıvıty Of Liquidambar Orientalis L., And Myrtus Communis L. Agaınst Some Plant Pathogenic Fungi
(UNIV AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES & VETERINARY MEDICINE BUCHAREST, 2016)As a result of the negative effects of pesticides used in the agricultural field, studies to find alternative methods have to be developed. In this study, Liquidambar orientalis L. (leaf and resin) and Myrtus communis L. ... -
Antifungal and Bioherbicidal Properties of Essential Oils of Thymus fallax Fish & Mey., Origanum vulgare L. and Mentha dumetorum Schult.
(ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2014)The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from the aerial parts of Thymus fallax, Origanum vulgare and Mentha dumetorum was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the following were found to be ... -
The Antifungal And Phytotoxic Effect Of Different Plant Extracts Of Salvia Virgata Jacq
(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2019)This study was conducted in order to investigate the phytotoxic and antifungal activity of the methanol and n-hexane extracts obtained from the surface parts of the Salvia virgata Jacq. plant collected in Kirsehir province. ... -
Antifungal Potentıal Of Essentıal Oıls Of Salvıa Offıcınalıs And Salvia Tomentosa Plants On Six Different Isolates Of Ascochyta Rabiei (Pass.) Labr.
(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2019)This study was conducted to determine the antifungal activity of the essential oils of the Salvia officinalis and Salvia tomentosa plants on Ascochyta rabiei (Chickpea blight) which is an important chickpea disease. As a ...