Browsing Ziraat Fakültesi by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 475
Using Phenol-Rich Agro-Wastes as Substrates for the Cultivation of Hypsizygus ulmarius Mushroom with Enhanced Functional and Nutritional Potential
(Instituto de Tecnologia do Parana, 65)This study aimed to transform phenolic-rich agricultural wastes into valuable foods by using them as new alternative substrates in mushroom cultivation and thus, to dispose of them without harming the environment. Thirteen ... -
Growth Regulators Effects On In Vıtro Shoot Regeneratıon Of Saınfoın (Onobrychıs Satıva Lam.)
(DIAGNOSIS PRESS LTD, 2010)The effect of different concentrations of BAP (6-benzylaminopurine)-NAA (a-naphthaleneacetic acid) on in vitro propagation from cotyledon node explant of sainfoin (Onobrychis saliva Lam) was studied The developed large ... -
Genetic Variation In Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera L.) Populations From Bulgaria
(RESEARCH INST POMOLOGY FLORICULTURE, DIV APICULTURE, 2010)Genetic variation of honey bee populations from 9 different locations of Bulgaria was studied using 4 enzymic systems (MDH, ME, EST and ALP) corresponding to 4 genetic loci and PCR-RFLP's analysis of 16s rDNA, COI, and ND5 ... -
Genetic variation in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) populations from Bulgaria [Zmiennosc Genetyczna w populacjach pszcoly miodnj(Apis mellifera L.)w Bulagartoii]
(2010)Genetic variation of honey bee populations from 9 different locations of Bulgaria was studied using 4 enzymic systems (MDH, ME, EST and ALP) corresponding to 4 genetic loci and PCR- RFLP's analysis of 16s rDNA, COI, and ... -
Phosphorus and humic acid application alleviate salinity stress of pepper seedling
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2010)Humic acid is a commercial product that contains many elements which improve the soil fertility and increase the availability of nutrient elements. It consequently affects plant growth and yield and ameliorates the deleterious ... -
Chemotaxonomy and flavonoid profiling of Torilis species by HPLC/ESI/MS2
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2011)The flavonoid profiles of Turkish Torilis Gaertn. (Apiaceae) species were studied by TLC. HPLC-UV and HPLC/ESI/MS2 (negative mode). O-glycosides of luteolin, apigenin and chrysoeriol were identified from crude extracts ... -
Seed flow and in-row seed distribution uniformity of the top delivery type fluted roller for onion, carrot and canola seeds [Üstten Akışlı Oluklu Ekici Makaranın Soğan, Havuç ve Kanola Tohumları için Tohum Akışı ve Sıra Üzeri Tohum Dağılım Düzgünlüğü]
(2011)In this study, seed flow rate, seed flow evenness and in-row seed distribution uniformity of top delivery normal type straight fluted roller were examined in the laboratory experiments for the random seeding of uncoated ... -
Determination of antioxidant capacities and chemical characteristics of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) grown in the Siirt district
(2011)In this study, we measured the concentrations of organic acids, phenolic compounds, sugars and vitamin C as well as the total antioxidant capacities of pomegranate genotype cultivars grown in the Siirt province of Turkey. ... -
The effect of endo-mycorrhiza (VAM) treatment on growth of tomato seedling grown under saline conditions
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2011)This study was carried out in order to determine the effects of various study doses of mycorrhiza treatment on morphological characteristics and color quality of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) which are grown ... -
Seed Flow and In-row Seed Distribution Uniformity of the Top Delivery Type Fluted Roller for Onion, Carrot and Canola Seeds
(ANKARA UNIV, FAC AGR, 2011)In this study, seed flow rate, seed flow evenness and in-row seed distribution uniformity of top delivery normal type straight fluted roller were examined in the laboratory experiments for the random seeding of uncoated ... -
Genetic diversity of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.: Hymenoptera: Apidae) populations in Turkey revealed by RAPD markers
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2011)The honeybee, Apis mellifera L. is an ecologically and economically important insect species. Recent honey bee losses causing decline of bee diversity is found alarming for the pollination of both wild plant biodiversity ... -
Effects of sowing methods and rates on weeds, grain yield and some yield components of wheat [EkimYöntemi ve si{dotless}kli{dotless}gi{dotless}ni{dotless}n bugdayda tane verimi, bazi{dotless} verim ögeleri ve yabanci{dotless} otlar üzerine etkileri]
(2011)This research was conducted to determine the effects of different sowing rates (450, 550 and 650 seed m -2) and sowing methods (sowing to the rows, broadcasting to seeding depth and contrary rows with 90°) on weeds, grain ... -
Effects of Sowing Methods and Rates on Weeds, Grain Yield and Some Yield Components of Wheat
(ANKARA UNIV, FAC AGR, 2011)This research was conducted to determine the effects of different sowing rates (450, 550 and 650 seed m(-2)) and sowing methods (sowing to the rows, broadcasting to seeding depth and contrary rows with 90 degrees) on weeds, ... -
Effects of Sewage Sludge and Humic Acid Applications on Yield, Nutrients and Heavy Metal Contents of Maize and Some Soil Properties
(ANKARA UNIV, FAC AGR, 2011)In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of different sewage sludge (0, 10, 20 and 30 %) and humic acid applications (0, 1000, 1500 and 2000 ppm) on growth, nutrient and heavy metal contents of maize (Zea ... -
Effects of sewage sludge and humic acid applications on yield, nutrients and heavy metal contents of maize and some soil properties [Ari{dotless}tma Çamuru ve Humik Asit Uygulamalari{dotless}ni{dotless}n Mi{dotless}si{dotless}ri{dotless}n Gelişimi, Besin Elementi ve Agi{dotless}r Metal İçerikleri ile Bazi{dotless} Toprak Özelliklerine Etkileri]
(2011)In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of different sewage sludge (0, 10, 20 and 30 %) and humic acid applications (0, 1000, 1500 and 2000 ppm) on growth, nutrient and heavy metal contents of maize (Zea ... -
Shoot Growth Curve Analysis Of Maize Cultvars Under Boron Deficiency
(PAKISTIAN AGRICULTURAL SCIENTISTS FORUM, 2011)This research was conducted in 2003-2004 in Karaaslan, Soil and Water Sources Research Institute, Konya the largest province in Central Anatolia Region. There is boron deficiency in soils. Thirteen corn cultivars (TTM 8119, ... -
Plant growth and protein ratio of spring sown chickpea with various combinations of rhizobium inoculation, nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation under rainfed condition
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2011)In the present study, it was aimed to determine the effects of different combination of rhizobium inoculation, nitrogen application and irrigation on nodule dry weight, protein ratio and seed yield of spring sown chickpea ... -
Shoot growth curve analysis of maize cultvars under boron deficiency
(2011)This research was conducted in 2003-2004 in Karaaslan, Soil and Water Sources Research Institute, Konya the largest province in Central Anatolia Region. There is boron deficiency in soils. Thirteen corn cultivars (TTM 8119, ... -
Morphological and phenological characterization of Turkish bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes and their present variation states
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2011)In this study, seeds from 51 bean genotypes obtained from the Izmir Aegean Agricultural Research Institute were multiplied under ecological conditions of the Samsun province in 2006. Similarities and differences in terms ...