Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü
Güncel Gönderiler
Organizational Communication as an Effective Communication Strategy in Organizations and the Role of the Leader
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)In today’s business world, organizational structures have become more complex with the effect of global, social, economic, and technological developments, and with the increasing need for division of labor and labor, all ... -
The Ottoman Government crisis of 10–13 February 1909 and the press reaction
(Routledge, 2022)This article deals with the overthrow of the Kamil Pasha government, the second government formed after the promulgation of the Constitution, which led the country to elections. Immediately after the promulgation of the ... -
An Empirical Test of the Knowledge Management Life Cycle Model at a Turkish Petroleum Oil Industry Firm
(ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2010)Most of the knowledge management life cycle models (KMLCM) in the literature are not only focusing on the processes of knowledge in organizations but also emphasizes the role of knowledge. The theoretical background of ... -
The Effect of Strategic Learning Systems and Organizational Structure on e-Government Performance: A Survey in the Public Sector by Means of an Artificial Neural Network
(ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2011)The present study aims to measure the e-Government performance of public institutions and organizations in Turkey and to determine the strategic learning system (SL) and organizational structure (OS) of Turkish e-Government ... -
Social Change and the Education of Urban Sciences
(ICLEL CONFERENCES, 2017)The field of urban science, as the newest sub branches in the field of Social Sciences, is also one of the most dynamic fields in its category. Especially the relationship between social change and urbanization has updated ... -
Teaching Artificial Neural Networks Course: A Draft for Management and Organization Master Programs
(ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2012)This study aims to develop an academic program which offers both theoretical knowledge and application to teach Artificial Neural Nets (ANN) with a different analysis method for the students studying in the fields of ... -
A general survey into presidentship from a party origin in Turkey
(2013)Turkey evolved into the parliamentary regime with the Fundamental Law amendments in 1909 and the regime in those years functioned in line with representative liberal democracy principles. In the 1982 Constitution too, this ... -
Strategic importance of crude oil and natural gas pipelines
(2012)This paper argues that crude oil and natural gas pipelines create mutual interdependence among the various participants the interests of which would be deteriorated in the event of any kind of failure throughout the different ... -
The presidential system in Turkey: Opportunities and obstacles
(Springer International Publishing, 2018)This book explores the opportunities and obstacles to a presidential system in Turkey as proposed by the Justice and Development Party (AK Party). Since the formation of Turkey's parliamentary system in 1909, there have ... -
The transformation of Turkey’s northern Iraq policy in the context of Turkish internal policy [İç etkenler açısından Türkiye’nin kuzey Irak politikasının dönüşümü]
(Ahmet Yesevi University, 2015)Turkey’s Northern Iraq policy is one of the widely debated issues of Turkish foreign policy. Turkey’s relation with Iraqi Kurds, which had its ups and downs in the 1990s, faced several tensions after the US invasion of ... -
A Theoretical Study of Adam Smith's State Concept
(HALE SIVGIN, 2018)The purpose of this study is to throw light on the state, one of the most important structures in social sciences and its functions. This great structure on which the discussions have not been ended and which has been ... -
The Transformation of Turkey's Northern Iraq Policy in the Context of Turkish Internal Policy
(AHMET YESEVI UNIV, 2015)Turkey's Northern Iraq policy is one of the widely debated issues of Turkish foreign policy. Turkey's relation with Iraqi Kurds, which had its ups and downs in the 1990s, faced several tensions after the US invasion of ... -
Strategic Thinking and Dimensions of Effective Leadership
(SPRINGER, 2018)The concept of strategic thinking, which becomes a necessity in today's management understanding, requires to think about every issue which is meaningful from strategic point of view. Leadership, on the other hand, appears ... -
Yerel yönetimlerde stratejik yönetim anlayışı: Konya il özel idaresi örneği
(2010)Bu çalışmada, İl Özel İdarelerinde yeniden yapılanma, yeni yönetim anlayışı ve bu adımlara örnek olması bakımından Konya İl Özel İdaresi (İÖİ) stratejik plan çalışması ele alınmaktadır. 5302 sayılı İl Özel İdaresi ve 5018 ... -
Vatandaş odaklı/vatandaşın odakta olduğu yönetim: Kent konseyleri ve Selçuklu Belediyesi örneği
(2009)Geleneksel yönetim anlayışının yerini yeni yönetim anlayışına terk etmesi ile birlikte, kamu yönetiminde yeniden yapılanma gereksinimi ortaya çıkmıştır. Vatandaş odaklılık, yönetişim, yerellik, hesap verebilirlik, şeffaflık ... -
Ermeni meselesinin psikolojik yönü
(2010)Özet: "Ermeni meselesi" olarak bilinen sorunun siyasi, diplomatik, tarihî, sosyolojik ve hukukî yönleri farklı bakış açılarıyla incelenmekte, araştırılmaktadır. Ancak, sorunun çözüme ulaşmasındaki en önemli alan olan ...