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Recent Submissions
Evaluation of Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet/Lymphocyte Ratio, Mean Platelet Volume/Platelet Count Ratio, ABO and Rh Blood Groups in Patients with Symptomatic Dermographism: A Retrospective Case-Control Study [Semptomatik Dermografizmli Hastalarda Nötrofil/Lenfosit Orani, Trombosit/Lenfosit Orani, Ortalama Trombosit Hacmi/Platelet Sayisi Orani, ABO ve Rh Kan Gruplarinin Degerlendirilmesi: Geriye Dönuk Vaka-Kontrol Çalismasi]
(Ortadogu Reklam Tanitim Yayincilik Turizm Egitim Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., 2022)Objective: When urticaria is classified, firstly, urticaria is classified as acute and chronic, and chronic urticaria is classified as spontaneous and inducible urticaria. Symptomatic dermographism (SD) is the most common ... -
Refining Diagnosis is the Prerequisite for the Correct Treatment: The Cytodiagnostic Utility of SOX10 in the Diagnosis of Metastatic Melanoma
(Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2021)Dear Editor, A 60-year-old male patient presented with a complaint of growing swelling in the left axilla for 3 weeks. The patient had no history of chronic disease or cancer. Physical examination showed no abnormal findings ... -
Is Pain a Risk Factor for Symptom Severity In Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?
(European Respıratory Soc Journals Ltd, 2020): KOAH'lı kişilerde denge ve yürüyüş bozukluğu vardır, bu da düşme riskinin yüksek olduğu anlamına gelir1,2,3. KOAH'lı ve eşlik eden ağrısı olan kişilerde, ağrısı olmayanlara kıyasla daha yüksek bir düşme insidansı oranı ... -
Assessment of Optic Nerve Vascularity in Healthy Eyes using Superb Microvascular İmaging: A Preliminary Study
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2022)Background: Changes in optic nerve vascularity are observed in many diseases. Superb microvascular imaging (SMI) has the potential to become the method of choice for detecting microvasculature in the optic nerves. Purpose: ... -
Determination of Biodex Balance System Cutoff Scores in Older People With Nonspecific Back Pain: A Cross-sectional Study
(Mosby-Elsevıer, 2021)Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine cutoff scores for the Biodex Balance System (BBS) and verify if they could be used to discriminate older people with nonspecific low back pain (NSLBP) with poor postural ... -
Synthesis And Biological Activity of Sirna and Etoposide with Magnetic Nanoparticles on Drug Resistance Model MCF-7 Cells: Molecular Docking Study with MRP1 Enzyme
(Mashhad Unıv Med Scıences, 2021)Objective(s): In this work, MRP-1 (Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1) gene expression levels and anticancer activity of siRNA and Etoposide loaded Poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) coated magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) was ... -
Vitamin D Axis Status and the Severity of COVID-19
(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2021)Dear Editor, We read with great interest the article recently published in Journal of Medical Virology by Demir et al.,1 examining the relationship between serum vitamin D levels and the laboratory findings and clinical ... -
Axillary Giant Lipoma Opening to the Skin Surface: A Unique Presentation Mimicking Accessory Breast
(Wıley-Hındawı, 2021)Dear Editor, A 78-year-old female presented with a slowly growing mass on the left axillary region. Physical examination showed a painless giant mass 11 × 8.5 cm in diameter, protruding from the left axillary region. ... -
Investigation of The Disease Process and Drug Combinations in Patients with Suspected/Confirmed COVID-19 Using Favipiravir
(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2021)Aims: It is aimed to investigate the disease processes and drug combinations in patients who received favipiravir treatment. Methods: This cross-sectional, analytical and retrospective study included all patients aged ≥18 ... -
Preparation of Poly(MPAEMA)/Halloysite Nanocomposites and İnvestigation of Antiproliferative Activity
(Sociedad Quimica de Mexico A.C., 2021)In this present work, the synthesis, characterization, and thermal properties of poly(2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-2-oxoethyl methacrylate) (MPAEMA) polymer/clay-based nanocomposites were investigated by in-situ polymerization. ... -
Effects of Different Occupational Exposure Factors on The Respiratory System of Farmers: The Case of Central Anatolia
(Springer Nature, 2022)Aim: Past studies show that farmers are especially at risk for respiratory diseases due to occupational exposure and not using protective equipment. This study aimed to provide information about the effects of occupational ... -
Evaluation of Macular, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer and Choroidal Thickness by Optical Coherence Tomography in Children and Adolescents with Vitamin B12 Deficiency
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2021)Purpose: To investigate macular, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) and choroidal thickness in children and adolescents with vitamin B12 deficiency and no neurological examination finding. Methods: The study group includes ... -
Evaluation of Methylation Profiles of an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Gene in A Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patient Group
(Sciendo, 2021)Upregulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene has shown an important impact on the development of head and neck cancers due to its important regulation role on multiple cell signaling pathways. The aim ... -
Evaluation of Protective Effects of Mirtazapine and Mesna on Cisplatin-İnduced Ovarian Damage in Rats
(Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, 2021)To evaluate whether mirtazapine and mesna have protective effects on cisplatin-induced ovarian injury. A total of 32 female Wistar Albino rats were divided into 4 groups (8 rats per group) and included in the study. No ... -
Surgical Antimicrobial Prophylaxis Compliance in Turkey: Data from the Prospective, Observational, Multicenter Survey Including 7,978 Surgical Patients
(Mary Ann Liebert Inc., 2024)Background: Surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis (SAP) is the peri-operative administration of antimicrobial agents. Compliance rates vary worldwide from 15% to 84.3%, with studies in Turkey not exceeding 35%. The aim of ... -
Comparison of The Efficacy of Schroth and Lyon Exercise Treatment Techniques in Adolescent İdiopathic Scoliosis: A Randomized Controlled, Assessor and Statistician Blinded Study
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)Background: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the most common vertebral disorder in adolescence. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Schroth and Lyon exercise methods on Cobb ... -
Can Dehydroepiandosterone Prevent Chemotherapy-Related Damage? Investigation of Protective Effects of Dehydroepiandosterone Against Paclitaxel-İnduced Toxicity Damage İn Rat Ovaries
(Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, 2020)Our aim is to evaluate whether dehydroepiandosterone has a protective effect on paclitaxel-induced ovarian damage. Group 1 (the control group): No treatment was administered. Intact ovarian tissue was removed and blood ... -
Comparison of The Protective Effects of Betamethasone, Dexamethasone And Methylprednisolone İn İschemia/Reperfusion İnjury of Rat Ovary
(Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, 2020)Our aim is to evaluate the protective effect of dexamethasone, methylprednisolone and betamethasone treatment against ischemia-reperfusion damage created experimentally in rat ovaries. For this study, 30 female Wistar ... -
Cutaneous Adnexal Tumors: The Diagnostic Role Of Dermatoscopic Examination
(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2021)We have read with great interest the original article by Aslan Kayıran et al., which was recently published in the Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences [1]. In their retrospective study, the authors investigated the ... -
Dermoscopic Patterns of Acquired Reactive Perforating Collagenosis
(Mattioli 1885, 2021)Acquired perforating dermatosis (APD) is a cutaneous disorder characterized by transepidermal elimination of dermal connective tissue. Acquired reactive perforating collagenosis (ARPC), the most common form of APD, is ...