Yayın tarihi için Yayın Koleksiyonu listeleme
Toplam kayıt 83, listelenen: 1-20
The improvement of chronological perceptions among fifth grade students: A quasi-experimental study
(EDAM, 2007)This study is an action research based both on quantitative and qualitative research techniques carried out with a group of fifth grade students in K'rehir during the 2003-2004 education year. In the study, the main purpose ... -
Primary school teachers' perception of school, colleague proficiency and self proficiency [Sınıf öğretmenlerinin okul, meslektaşları ve kendi mesleki yeterliklerini algılamaları]
(2007)This research focuses on primary school teachers' level of perceiving school, colleagues occupational proficiency as well as self occupati6nal proficiency The sample of the research was composed of 219 primary school ... -
A case study on the use of materials by classroom teachers
(EDAM, 2008)This research has the nature of a descriptive case study aiming to clarify the opinions of primary education classroom teachers about the use of materials and tools in the lessons. It is a qualitative research benefiting ... -
(SOC PERSONALITY RES INC, 2008)The relationship between prospective teachers' preferred strategies for coping with stress and their perceptions of student control were examined by use of a relational survey model to determine the relations between these ... -
Evaluation Of Body Language Behavior In A Class Debate
(SOC PERSONALITY RES INC, 2008)The purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which students taking part in class discussions were affected by their fellow debaters' nonverbal behavior. Senior year Faculty of Education students were surveyed for ... -
Competencies of social studies teachers' about utilizing from questions in in-class teaching (the sample of Kırşehir) [Sosyal bilgiler öğretmeninin sınıf içi öğretimde sorulardan yararlanma yeterlikleri (Kırşehir örnegi)]
(2008)Identifying the competencies of social sciences teachers' about utilizing from questions in in-class teaching process forms the basic problem of this study. Determining the problems that teachers face when utilizing from ... -
The Strategic Planning Attitude Scale: A Study of Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses
(EDAM, 2008)The aim of this study was to develop a scale measuring attitudes toward strategic planning for primary and secondary school administrators. In the research, 498 school administrators (77 females, 421 males; 140 principles, ... -
Values education experiences of Turkish class teachers: A phenomonological approach
(Ani Publishing, 2009)Problem Statement: Teachers endow children with values through education. The effective role they play in the teaching of values has been documented through extensive research. These studies have shown that teachers should ... -
The relation between approach of responsible classroom management and professional self-respect: A research in sample of primary school teachers [Sorumluluga da ya li sinif yöneti·mi· yaklaimi i·le mesleki· benli·k saygisi arasindaki· i·li·şki·: Sinif ögretmenleri örneklemi·nde bi·r araştirma]
(2009)To be a society in a high level Professional self-respect needs teachers indicate respect their profession in classroom setting. Bases of responsibility consciouses have been taught in the schools and applied models and ... -
The impact of learning-teaching applications based on questioning upon students' critical thinking dispositions and levels
(2009)The present study aims to determine the impact of different applications that use questions in instruction process upon students' critical thinking dispositions and levels. The study employed the pre-test-post-test control ... -
The strategies and tactics were used in the reading and understanding process [Okuma-anlama süreci·nde i·şe koşulan strateji·ler ve bu strateji·ler kapsaminda kullanilan takti·kler]
(2009)Learning, especially regarding written texts, has an important place in individuals' life. It is necessary to use the skills of reading and understanding effectively for a person to get enough benefit from a text. There ... -
A Study of the Relationship between the Prospective Teachers' Attitudes toward the Teaching Profession and Their Preferred Coping Strategies with Stress
(WYDAWNICTWO ADAM MARSZALEK, 2009)The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between prospective teachers' attitudes towards the teaching profession and their preferred coping strategies with stress. A relational model was used to determine ... -
(TURKISH ONLINE JOURNAL EDUCATIONAL TECH-TOJET, 2009)The present study aims to determine the impact of blended learning model on student attitudes towards Geography course and their critical thinking dispositions and skills. An experimental pattern with pretest-posttest ... -
Parents' Views Regarding the Values Aimed to be Taught in Social Studies Lessons
(EDAM, 2009)This study aimed at learning parents' ideas about the values aimed to be taught in Social Studies lessons in the 4(th) and 5(th) grades of the primary education and about values education. Study data were collected by ... -
The effects of graphical regulations on students' levels of reading-comprehension [Grafiksel düzenlemelerin ögrencilerin okuma-anlama düzeylerine etkisi]
(2010)The purpose of this research is to study graphical regulations' effects of on students 'level of reading and comprehension. Pre-test, post test experimental design with control group was used for the research. Graphical ... -
Strategies effecting reading and comprehension [Okuma ve anlamayi· etki·leyen strateji·ler]
(2010)Human learn throughout their life. Great deal of learning is acquired from the reading text. The ways that people acquire knowledge through reading and comprehension are different each other. When the people have good ... -
Validity and Reliability Analysis for the Teacher Determination for Democratic Behavior Scale
(EDAM, 2010)The main aim of this study is to develop a scale to assess the extent to which teachers display democratic behaviors they are supposed to display in in-classroom teaching practices and the level of their determination in ... -
(SOC PERSONALITY RES INC, 2010)In this study written materials such as school textbooks were used to find out if the Read, Encode, Annotate, and Ponder (REAP) technique can create a significant difference in learning success compared to the classical ... -
A path analysis study of school culture and teachers' organisational commitment
(2011)In this study, the direct and indirect relations between school culture and the organisational commitment of primary school teachers were analyzed. the subjects of the research consisted of primary school teachers who ... -
An analysis of internet addiction levels of individuals according to various variables
(2011)The concept of internet addiction refers to the excessive use of internet which in turn causes various problems in individual, social and professional aspects. The aim of this study was to determine internet addiction ...